About 7rooz

What is 7rooz?

7rooz.com is a spot on the web where you can find Persian events, latest news and upcoming get-togethers of the Iranian communities all around the world. 7rooz strives to bring Persian people together.

How to Pronounce

7rooz is not pronounced "Seven Rooz". It's pronounced "Haft Rooz" - Well, exactly the way you pronounce "Half Rooz".


The idea came to our minds driving to Santa Cruz on highway 17 a sunny California summer day. The basic web site was designed and launched not too long after that conversation.

We didn't have a domain name yet; so we had a short after-midnight meeting in Sunnyvale, CA and came up with a few domain names and some great ideas in November. A complete list of domain names was put together later that month and sent to the board members to collect their votes. 7rooz.com received most of the votes among all other names.

Later came the question of a good meaningful logo. 7rooz guy created a simple draft logo and revealed it during a "Game and Movie" night in San Jose. A number of various alternative logos were created using the feedback received from the board; however, the original logo was the favorite among all. The final logo was released later in 2003.

The website was officially launched in December and spread through word of mouth. Later on, 7rooz employed a few professional event organizers to update the events on a regular basis - and the result is what you see now. Well, what else do you expect from a bunch of "Professional" event organizers?

Over time, 7rooz guy have been adding new features, such as calendar, regional archives, post features, etc. to the system continuously.


Currently, 7rooz covers many regional events thanks to the local moderators.

You may even access today's events on your wireless devices such as mobile phones, PDAs and handspring handhelds when you are on the road via http://mobile.7rooz.com.


Various reports, links to smaller regional events web sites and private events web sites are under development. Please send your ideas and comments to feedback[@]7rooz[dot]com.

What People Say About 7rooz

Sara: "It's a very good, user friendly, useful website. Especially if you're planning a trip, you can check it out and go to some of the interesting Persian events going on in that specific area. That is, [of course], if you're not tired of Iranians :)"


We believe in keeping information simple, accessible and free. We also believe that people should be able to express their ideas and post feedback for each event.

7rooz team would like to wish you a great happy time 7roozing!

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