(A California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation)
IPCNC Cordially invites you and your family to join us on
our gathering event on Wednesday evening December 17, 2003.
PLACE: Campbell Community Center located at #1 Campbell
Ave. Campbell, CA, 95008, Room Q-80 (Roosevelt Room)
TIME: 5:30 till 9:30 P.M.
SPEAKER: Haleh Bassiri M.D., Assistant Professor at UCSF
TOPIC: Endocrinology and Metabolism
DINNER: Light dinner will be served.
Entertainment: by Beshkan Dance Academy
Music: Talented Bay Area Musicians, Pop and Classical
music by, Farideh Luie, Majid Hirsa, Kamran Modirian,
Kourosh Folady and Mahnaz Tajali.
INFORMATION: (408) 369-0307 and (408) 376-0214
IPCNC is having English classes every Saturday (except
long weekends/holidays) starting 10:00A.M. At Sahara
Mobile Village located at 191 East El Camino Real,
Mountain view, CA, 94043 followed by light lunch and
Cultural an Art classes. Admission is free.
Reviewed/approved by ahmad.
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Posted by: LLL at 2012-08-11 01:05:14LLL-For nearly a century, Mont Blanc Pens has been well-known for its classic writing instruments around the world.The famous name of Mont blanc's represents the art of writing,symboled by hexagonal white star which is precisely the shape of Europe's highest mountain.Mont Blanc symbolizes the crown of Europe's highest snowy mountains that has the altitude of 4810 meters,and the figures are usually used for a variety of topics.mont blanc ballpoint pen are handmade with the 25 more process to create a pen point.That is why mont blanc fountain pen as writing instruments have the character of solidness and elegance. Mont Blanc,1906 in Hamburg, Germany,was founded by a stationer create the adoption of the company before the Montblanc trademark Simplo Filler Pen Company name was established in 1911.The company later by Dunhill all present for the Richemont Group, the formal part. In 1908,Simplo Filler Pen Company published the first high-quality security pen - Red and Black.1910 to become an official trademark registration of "Mont Blanc".The 1924 classic mont blanc meisterstuck grand launch.1935 began producing small leather goods. In 1992, the great writer of limited edition series and patron of the arts series (also known as the Emperor series). In 1997, Mont blanc watch collection to enter the market.2000,mont blanc discount bohemia series to create a new chapter in the art of writing,design simplicity,compact and elegant,to become the new symbol of the modern pop culture. We slowed down and enjoy life "(deacceleration),the reliable quality of written and handmade quality,and long-standing emphasis on perfect sense, who insist on making Mont blanc,the emphasis on" high tech "society,the markedly precious.In people's minds,fountain pen mont blanc has become a symbol of the aspirations of the "high feeling",a quality of life choice. christian louboutin sale sole design very clever, "catch" the selling point of sight let woman enchanted,sexy very narcissistic is frowsty coquettish,imagine a man to follow his sole after the line of sight of red,women must have is willing to pay. The identification of the "red sole degree is high,it's another benefit is let female stars free advertising.See red christian louboutin pumps is,does not need to find the logo.christian louboutin sales red bottom shoe is the logo,highlights of the women's gentle and lovely,beauty,and not make public mature sexy.Heel becoming larger and more and more high,once in christian louboutin boots,breast will natural standing,coxal radian will be more tightening become warped,on the vision strengthened the woman idiosyncratic,show lordosis of curved curve,natural after have woman flavour.Christian louboutin wedges with its own language,heels itself is a kind of culture. Louboutin wedges as a woman's external wearing choice embodies her connotation,her taste,her pursuit of her life, understanding.Christian louboutin sandals is a woman's life cannot resist temptation of summer follow sandal high is undoubtedly the most powerful-naked fiber foot,Dan red nutmeg, summer air fragrance in stimulating fashion masters of inspiration,the perfect cheap christian louboutin shoes,in people the envy of look in the eyes supports a pieces of living color.Delicate the luxury of girl for oneself of each clothes to acquire a pair of high heels to match, but always than a double take christian louboutin high boots to reality. A pair of shoes match different dress, you can mature,can also be lovely, shoes with a woman share experience, no matter you are in the life which stage, whether a portly figure or thin,louboutin pumps sale store always with you.christian louboutin wedges is not a mere extrinsic dress choose just.
Posted by: lll at 2012-08-15 18:40:52LLL-For nearly a century, Mont Blanc Pens has been well-known for its classic writing instruments around the world.The famous name of Mont blanc's represents the art of writing,symboled by hexagonal white star which is precisely the shape of Europe's highest mountain.Mont Blanc symbolizes the crown of Europe's highest snowy mountains that has the altitude of 4810 meters,and the figures are usually used for a variety of topics.mont blanc ballpoint pen are handmade with the 25 more process to create a pen point.That is why mont blanc fountain pen as writing instruments have the character of solidness and elegance. Mont Blanc,1906 in Hamburg, Germany,was founded by a stationer create the adoption of the company before the Montblanc trademark Simplo Filler Pen Company name was established in 1911.The company later by Dunhill all present for the Richemont Group, the formal part. In 1908,Simplo Filler Pen Company published the first high-quality security pen - Red and Black.1910 to become an official trademark registration of "Mont Blanc".The 1924 classic mont blanc meisterstuck grand launch.1935 began producing small leather goods. In 1992, the great writer of limited edition series and patron of the arts series (also known as the Emperor series). In 1997, Mont blanc watch collection to enter the market.2000,mont blanc discount bohemia series to create a new chapter in the art of writing,design simplicity,compact and elegant,to become the new symbol of the modern pop culture. We slowed down and enjoy life "(deacceleration),the reliable quality of written and handmade quality,and long-standing emphasis on perfect sense, who insist on making Mont blanc,the emphasis on" high tech "society,the markedly precious.In people's minds,fountain pen mont blanc has become a symbol of the aspirations of the "high feeling",a quality of life choice. christian louboutin sale sole design very clever, "catch" the selling point of sight let woman enchanted,sexy very narcissistic is frowsty coquettish,imagine a man to follow his sole after the line of sight of red,women must have is willing to pay. The identification of the "red sole degree is high,it's another benefit is let female stars free advertising.See red christian louboutin pumps is,does not need to find the logo.christian louboutin sales red bottom shoe is the logo,highlights of the women's gentle and lovely,beauty,and not make public mature sexy.Heel becoming larger and more and more high,once in christian louboutin boots,breast will natural standing,coxal radian will be more tightening become warped,on the vision strengthened the woman idiosyncratic,show lordosis of curved curve,natural after have woman flavour.Christian louboutin wedges with its own language,heels itself is a kind of culture. Louboutin wedges as a woman's external wearing choice embodies her connotation,her taste,her pursuit of her life, understanding.Christian louboutin sandals is a woman's life cannot resist temptation of summer follow sandal high is undoubtedly the most powerful-naked fiber foot,Dan red nutmeg, summer air fragrance in stimulating fashion masters of inspiration,the perfect cheap christian louboutin shoes,in people the envy of look in the eyes supports a pieces of living color.Delicate the luxury of girl for oneself of each clothes to acquire a pair of high heels to match, but always than a double take christian louboutin high boots to reality. A pair of shoes match different dress, you can mature,can also be lovely, shoes with a woman share experience, no matter you are in the life which stage, whether a portly figure or thin,louboutin pumps sale store always with you.christian louboutin wedges is not a mere extrinsic dress choose just.
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