Iranian Studies Group Open House

Care about the development of Iranian society in Iran and the U.S., but feel your research,
courses, or career are not related to it?
Looking for an opportunity to see some of your friends and learn about some interesting
research related to Iran?
Then join us for Iranian Studies Group open house:
DATE: Saturday February 21st, 2004,
TIME: 2-4 pm
WHERE: MIT Room 4-237 (See the map below)
MAP: click here
Refreshments will be provided. Free and open to public.
We will discuss some of the research projects ISG is currently involved in and opportunities
for contributing to them. You can see the list of
More about Iranian Studies Group:
The Iranian Studies Group at MIT (ISG) is a non-partisan organization with the aim of
promoting an analytical understanding of the long-term social, economic, political and
cultural issues related to the development of the Iranian society. To accomplish this goal,
ISG is committed to presenting the public with diverse opinions on issues related to its
mission through research, lecture series, and article publications. For more information on
ISG, visit our website .
For more information contact: isg-mit[at]mit[dAt]edu
Reviewed/approved by Mehdi Yahyanejad.
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Posted by: afrasiabi at 2004-06-13 01:25:37Please remove the comment that has been placed under my name. Thank you.
Posted by: afrasiabi at 2004-06-13 01:25:43Please remove the comment that has been placed under my name. Thank you.
Posted by: afrasiabi at 2004-06-13 01:25:48i
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Posted by: 三体牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 三體牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 at 2013-10-15 18:36:51巨人倍増: 淫インモラル: インモラル: 淫インモラル 販売: インモラル 販売: 媚薬 淫イン モラル: 媚薬 インモラル: 妖姫: 妖姫 販売: 妖姫 媚薬: 妖姫 通販: 蟻力神: 五便宝: VigRx : ビグレックス: vigRx oil: キョジンバイゾウ: ウェイカワン: イカオウ: SPANISCHE FLIEGE: 催淫通販: 男宝: ナンパオ: 巨根カプセル: 紅蜘蛛: ベニクモ: ハナチ: 蒼蝿水: 三體牛鞭: 三体牛鞭: 男根増長素: 魔根: 男露888: しんいちつぶしん: くらはちほう: 勃動力: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 夜の健康食品: 催淫: 催情: ビグレックス オイル: 巨人倍増 販売: 威哥王 販売: 紅蜘蛛 液体: 紅蜘蛛 激安: 紅蜘蛛 通販:
Posted by: 巨人倍増: 淫インモラル: イ at 2013-10-15 18:44:05
The Society of Iranian Studies is, in fact, sadly nothing more than a society of cowards and hypocrites, whose members, at least those who are the helms, have participated in oppressive behavior toward me for almost a decade. The include, Ali Banuazizi, who vetoed my complaint to MESA Ethics Committee against Roy Mottahedeh, Hooshang Shahabi, who circulated a letter, subsequently published in Iran Times, praising Mottahedeh when he was named as a defendant in my civil rights law suit against him and his subordinates and a Harvard detective, all of whom subsequently stood trial in a federal court in Boston, and Mehrzad Broujerdi, who pimped for Mottahedeh at Middle East Institute, which delined my application for fellowship partly due to the backstabbings by him, a babble-mouth about pluralism in Iran! What a shame and travesty that Shirin Ebadi, whose interview with me can be seen on the UN website right now, has turned a blind eye to my complaint against Harvard and Mottahedeh, I am so disappointed in Ebadi. She obviously puts her ties to the conservative, Bahaii-dominated Iranian Studies, above her concern for truth and justice.
Posted by: kaveh Afrasiabi at 2004-05-23 19:37:58