List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2004-04-19

    Honoring an Iranian Hero

    Los Angeles Monday - April 19, 2004     10:30 AM

    "Whoever saves a life, is as if he has saved the world" Sanhedrin

    Council of Iranian-American Jewish Organizations (CIAJO) is proud to invite you to two programs in memory of an Iranian hero and savior of lives:

    "In memory of Abdol Hossein Sardari"

    Iran's Charge de Affair in Paris during World War Two who through his heroic acts saved the lives of hundred of Jews from the Nazis. Both programs are part of the annual Yom Ha Shoah (Holocaust Memorial) programs.

    SECOND PROGRAM: Monday April 19, 2004, 10:30 AM
    At Museum Of Tolerance/Simon Wiesenthal Center
    9876 Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA. 90035

    This program will be attended by high government officials and community leaders. Mr. Ibrahim Morady, one of the few remaining persons saved by the late Sardari along with a prominent leader from the Jewish community shall present a "Plaque of Appreciation" to Ambassador Fereydoun Hoveyda, nephew of Mr. Sardari.

    For additional information please call the following:

    Council of Iranian American Jewish Organizations: 310-535-6610 George Haroonian
    Nessah synagogue: 310-273-2400 Michael Cantor
    Museum Of Tolerance: Public Relations Department 310-553-9036

    ISAA Lectures: "Minorities in Iran." and "Perso-Centrism and Iranian National Identity"

    Bay Area - East Bay Monday - April 19, 2004     06:52 PM

    Iranian Student Alliance in America (ISAA - UC Berkeley)

    What: Dr. Jaleh Pirnazar will give a guest lecture regarding
    "Minorities in Iran." Ph.D candidate Khodadad Rezakhani will also
    be giving a guest lecture titled: "Perso-Centrism and Iranian
    National Identity."

    There will be time for a Q & A session afterwards.

    When: Monday, April 19, 2004 @ 6:00pm
    Where: 110 Barrows
    Campus Map:

    To learn more about ISAA, please visit us on the web:
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