That Is Life / zendegi hamin ast & Women Like Us / zenhai mesl-e ma

Saturday, April 24, 2004
Time: 05:00 PM
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Alwan for the Arts presents

Saturday April 24 at 5pm

* That Is Life / zendegi hamin ast
Pirooz Kalantari, 2001, Iran, 46 min., video
in Persian with English subtitles

* Women Like Us / zenhai mesl-e ma
Persheng Sadegh-Vaziri, 2002, Iran/USA, 60 min., video
in Persian and English with English subtitles

followed by Q&A with the filmmaker

$5 (larger donations are welcome too)

16 Beaver 4th floor
in the Financial District btwn Broadway & Broad by the bull on B'way
subway: 4,5 Bowling Green N,R Whitehall
2,3 Wall Street J,M,Z Broad Street 1,9 South Ferry

see also:
>> That Is Life / zendegi hamin ast by Pirooz Kalantari,2001

Five university students-four boys and one girl who havegrown up inpost-revolutionary Iran during the Iran-Iraq war-discusstheirstudies, money, individuality, romance, traditions,
politicaltensions, and sad memories of student rebels of 1999.

Pirooz Kalantari, born in 1953 in Tehran, graduated fromfilm schoolin 1974 and has been working as a film critic anddocumentaryfilmmaker since 1986. His films include Refugee (1992),
winner of twointernational prizes, Shot Unfinished (1996) and The Talethat OtherShoe (1998). His 1999 film Alone in Tehran, shown atnumerousfestivals, pictures a young woman struggling to become freefrom theconstraints imposed on her by society. His most recent workThat is
Life (2002) takes students in Tehran as its theme,exploring boththeir hopes and dreams.

>> Women Like Us / zenhai mesl-e ma by Persheng Sadegh-Vaziri, 2002

Filmmaker Persheng Sadegh-Vaziri returns to Iran after 20years as anexpatriate to present this intimate and revealing portraitof fiveordinary Iranian women : a nurse, a journalist, a rice
farmer, areligious college graduate and a piano teacher. Against abackdrop ofIslam, revolution and war, they share their views on theveil, therelationship of Iranian women to the West and thelong-rangingimpacts of the 1979 Revolution on the status of women intheircountry.

Persheng Sadegh-Vaziri is an Iranian filmmaker with aMasters inCinema Studies from New York University. She has createdaward-winning documentaries about Iran and Iranians in America:
Journal from Tehran, 1986, funded by Boston Film and VideoFoundation, screened on PBS's Independent Focus series,HonorableMention at the Black Maria Film Festival; Far From Iran,
1990, fundedby New England Foundation for the Art's cable series MixedSignals.She works as a producer and associate producer ondocumentaries thathave been broadcast on PBS, such as Vis a Vis: Iran Beyondthe veil,Vote for Me: Politics in America, Response Program toLeona's SisterGerry, and Talking Back for the series P.O.V. She now worksonAmerican and Iranian documentaries about Iranian culture.(


Alwan, 16 Beaver Street, 4th floor New York, NY 10004
(646)473-0991 nyc@a...

Reviewed/approved by talieshah -.

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