Payvand school

Friday, April 30, 2004
Time: 03:00 PM
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Spring 2004 classes
April 11, 18, 25
May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
June 6,13
Location: DeAnza College, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014

Please Park at Parking Lot "B" and join us at rooms L61, L62, L63, L64, L65, L66 and PE11U
The Payvand Cultural School is founded on the belief that Iranian-American children need to participate in a healthy community that fosters their Iranian culture, heritage, traditions, and language, as well as their American culture. Payvand provides educational instruction in Farsi (both reading and writing), traditional Iranian music and dance. We offer an environment where Iranian-American children can converse in Farsi with their peers. For adults, English as a second language classes are available. The school is hosted by De Anza College and is run by experienced teachers and volunteers and has no affiliation with any political or religious organization.
Payvand's Mission:

To teach children about their heritage through a combination of reading and writing (Farsi), history, games, art, Iranian dance, speeches and songs.
To encourage cooperation and collaboration through special cultural events and projects.
To help children become involved in the community and obtain the confidence needed to represent themselves, their families, and their culture.
To bring generations of Iranians together so that everyone may learn together as a community.
To teach parents and new immigrants the English necessary to manage their daily lives independently.
To acquaint new Iranian immigrants and parents with American living through English and citizenship classes and teach them to take advantage of this country's rights and privileges

Reviewed/approved by ifwcpay.


Please add the time frame for your classes and also add a phone number /email address to contact to. Regards, Bahar Ghofraniha

Posted by: Bahar Ghofraniha at 2004-05-13 17:04:51

for writing my thesis on errors in writings of non_persian speaking at elementry level I need some papers. Can you help me?

Posted by: Majid at 2005-09-20 15:05:41

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