Stanford University Civil Rights Panel From 9066 to 9/11: Community and Identity in Wartime America

Thursday, February 10, 2005
Time: 07:30 PM
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Thursday February 10, 2005
Stanford University
Cubberly Auditorium

The Asian American Activities Center, Asian American Studies Program, Muslim Student Awareness Network, Okada House, Sanskriti, Stanford Asian American Activism Coalition, and Stanford University Nikkei

artwork by Weston Teruya -

"On February 19, 1942, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 resulting in the forced evacuation and incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans deemed a threat to the security of the United States solely on the basis of race. The lessons from this WWII experience are especially relevant today in light of the hate violence, deportations and incarcerations suffered by Muslims, Sikhs and others of South Asian and Middle Eastern descent since September 11, 2001. Speakers and performers will draw lessons from the past to inform our understanding of present day events."

Narinder Singh, Sikh Coalition
Kiku Funabiki, Former WWII Internee
Banafshe Akhlaghi, Attorney
Sylvia Yanagisako, Professor of Cultural and Social Anthropology

With performances by:
Stanford Spoken Word Collective
Asian American Theater Project

Special Thanks to our Generous Donors: Charles Riddell Fund, Gene Awakuni – Vice Provost for Student Affairs, Cultural and Social Anthropology Department, Asian Languages Department, Office of Religious Life, Feminist Studies Program, Stanford Writing Center, American Studies Program, Modern Thought and Literature Program

Co-sponsored by: Asian American Students Association, Bechtel International Center, Black Community Services Center, El Centro Chicano, Haas Center for Public Service, Leslie Hatamiya – Stanford Board of Trustees, LGBT Community Resources Center, Michael Choo – Stanford Board of Trustees, Native American Cultural Center, Office for Campus Relations, Persian Students Association, Satrang, Stanford Asian Pacific American Alumni Club, Women's Community Center

For more information visit:

From: Mehdi J. (

Reviewed/approved by 7rooz Admin Staff.


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Posted by: 三体牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 三體牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 at 2013-10-22 23:04:08

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