List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2005-04-26

    Lunch with Chemical and Pharmaceutical Professionals

    Bay Area - Peninsula Tuesday - April 26, 2005     11:45 AM

    Dear all,

    We are planning to organize a series of gatherings, each targeting people involved in a particular industry, to increase networking among professionals and students active in the same industry. This event, the third of its series, will be a lunch gathering for Iranians active in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical industry. This event is open to both Sharif Alumni and other interested Iranian professionals. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to meet your peers. Students are highly encouraged to participate in order to get a better sense of current practices from active professionals.


    NCC’s officers



    Lunch with Chemical and Pharmaceutical Professionals


    Lunch gathering for Iranian professionals active in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical industries, including, (but not limited to):

    - Chemistry

    - Chemical Engineering

    - Pharmacology

    - Biochemistry


    Send an email to before Friday April 22-05. This is just to help us better organize the event. You can attend the event even if you miss the RSVP deadline, however, your seat may not be guaranteed.

    Date April 26, 2005 - Tuesday

    Time 11:45am to 2:00pm


    You pay for what you order. (Estimate: $10 to $20 per person)


    Il Fornaio Restaurant

    520 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301 - Tel. (650) 853-3888



    Please bring enough cash to make payment easier and don’t forget to bring your business cards. Should you have any questions, please feel free to send email to

    To be added to the mailing list, please send an email to and include your: first name, last name, company and email

    "Banou" Photo Exhibition Reception

    Bay Area - South Bay Tuesday - April 26, 2005     05:00 PM


    1001 nights postscript

    Argyrotype prints on fabric along with narration,

    Photo and narration by: Mehrzad Karimabadi

    Artist Reception:

    Date: Tuesday April 26th

    Time: 5-9 PM

    Location: Gallery 8- 3rd floor- Art Building

    San Jose State University, San Jose, CA

    For more information visit:

    For map of campus and parking info visit:

    This event is free of charge and open to public.

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