Free South Bay Holloween Party October 28, 2005 & More...

Friday, October 28, 2005
Time: 09:30 PM
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Dear Friends & Teammates:

Please note the following up coming event for Iran Runners & Walkers:

Please Forward to all friends
Iran Runners & Walker's Holloween Party
Friday, October 28, 2005 Holloween Party @ Club Cuccini

Iran Runners & Walkers proudly presents our second annual Holloween Party at Club Cuccini ( with Persian Music,Hooka and Middleeastern Food.

With high gas prices why drive all the way to San Francisco for a Persian Holloween Party come and join us at the local Persian hang-out Club Cuccini where there is no traffic, parking is easy to find, and there is no long lines. So wear your best customes and grab your friends and join us for an evening of dancing, hooka and fun.

Entrance for all RSVPs with email address will be free until 11:00pm. RVSPs with Iran Runners & Walkers will be charged only $12.00 after 11:00pm.

Please note Club Cuccini has kindly given our group a discount from the regular price to this event. Please RSVP at no later than October 27, 2005 at 8 pm. Please give your first and last name plus your guests' first and last name as it appears on their ID (Otherwise your name will not go on the list for discount). Food and hooka are self-host. Dinner will not be served after 9:00pm


72 North Almaden Ave.
San Jose, CA 95110


9:30 pm-2:00am

Happy Halloween
Hope to see Everyone
Iran Runners & Walkers

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