Balance Walk

Sunday, January 22, 2006
Time: 01:30 PM
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Dear Friends,

Please join us for balance walk session on Sunday, January 22, 2006 @ 1:30 pm free of charge.

Enrollment for this workshop is limited to thirty people. Please RSVP at deadline for this workshop is Friday, January 20, 2006.

Please note balance walk will be automatically cancelled if the weather is rainy.

What is Balance Walk?

Do feel that your walking but you are not losing the weight you want? Do you easily find yourself getting tired after just walking a short distance? Or you just do not feel motivated enough? In our Balance Walk Session you will work with Dr. Naz Javid N.D.H and learn the below techniques and methods while walking. In addition you will have fun in the process, lose the weigh you want, improve your health and feel good about yourself.

•The proper way of breathing.

•Show you the correct posture while walking.

•You will learn how to focus and concentrate.

•Get in touch with your inner-self and mentor your heartbeat.

•Intone and balance your body.

Balance Walk Workshop Schedule:

1:30-Balance Walk Workshop

1:30-2:15-Mentored walk with Dr. Javid around the Mission Park to insure that course materials are learned and utilized.

2:15- Join us for cup of Tea.

Look forward to seeing everyone,

Bay Area Persian Social Club & Recreation ™

Reviewed/approved by 7rooz Admin Staff.


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Posted by: online vicodin at 2006-11-27 17:40:54

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