Free Real Estate Licensing Course and Education
Do you know our governor has made more money in real estate than he made making movies?
Real Estate has been the best investment in California forever. Despite, it is safer than investing in Stocks, It has outperformed stock market again and again most of the time.
As you know knowledge is power, if you are retired, housewife or want to be your own boss, working in flexible hours, we have a proposition for you.
Never be bound to go to work 9 to 5. Work 4-6 hours a day instead from your home if you want, whenever you want and make more money at the same time.
How? Simple. We have a three-step approach.
1. We teach you how to get license.
2. We teach you how to find Costumers.
3. We teach you how to close the deal.
Step 2 is the most important factor that makes or breaks a successful career in Real Estate Business. The truth is that during the past it was necessary to pump huge amount of money into advertisement to be successful in business.
We show you a method to get your name out there with help of new technology. We have a team of Software engineers who constantly find new high tech methods to promote you as real estate agents. The good news is that we are paying for all the costs associated with it.
Come in and we explain how our knowledge in technology and advertisement can be translated to your success and like all other services for our employees, even this service is free. To make a log story short, we not only give a license to fish, we teach you where to find fishes and help you to catch them.
Being a real estate agent is so easy with us. Do not listen to people who say it is not good time to become a real estate agent. We can show you in 10 minutes that there is never a bad market for real estate. There are a lot of bad real estate agents out there, who blame the market for not making it. They are bad marketer.
They blame this market for their inability to find buyers!? We can show you that we were successful to find many buyers even in this marker. As a Mather of fact 90% of people who contact us for real estate services are buyers. That's the power of targeted marketing.
Even if you know people who are currently a Real Estate Agent and do not have enough business, let them know that American Dream Realty is giving agents free lead. We are different from other Real Estate Companies.
We believe in giving, instead of taking. We give money to out Buyers, We sell our sellers homes free of charge if we can not sell it during the first 69 days and we give our agents free leads to find new customers. We believe this a new and better approach to do business and you will learn how this approach can make you tones of money.
You will meet people from all nationalities and cultures; will be invited to their parties and events. Beside making good money, a couple of years in Real estate make magic for you social life.
Sounds interesting? Then what do you have to lose? The classes are free, the studying material is free. We just want you to come to our office and try one of our free classes, 95% of people who have completed our courses have Real Estate license now.
What do we expect from our students.
1. We expect you to know English enough to read daily newspaper in English and understand it.
2. We expect you to carry simple conversation in English
3. We expect you to put some time in this business at least 3 hours a day, cause if you are not serious, you will not make serious money in this business and we want only successful agents in out team.
You need to participate 8 times back to back to be able to pass the Real Estate exam. You need also to complete some homework, which usually takes 3-4 hours to complete.
Every thing else that you need to learn is provided to you Free of charge.
Our classes are every Monday 5-8 pm in our Fremont Office Located at 37674 Fremont Blvd, Fremont Ca 94536.
Call me if You have any Questions at 510-395-1267
Best Regards
Broker Of American Dream Realty
Hamid Reza Dadgar
Reviewed/approved by 7rooz Admin Staff.
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Posted by: Hossein at 2006-11-23 08:21:03the Real Estate exam. You need also to complete some homework, which usually takes 3-4 hours to complete.
Posted by: US poker sites at 2012-02-21 12:03:12Do you know our governor has made more money in real estate than he made making movies?
Posted by: Accidents Direct Personal Injury Claim Company at 2012-03-11 03:27:16The good news is that we are paying for all the costs associated with it.
Posted by: Orlando Marketing Agencies at 2012-07-04 06:16:04We teach you how to find Costumers.
Posted by: играть в игровые автоматы бесплатно at 2012-07-04 08:22:33the most important factor that makes or breaks a successful career in Real Estate Business. The truth is that during the past it was necessary to pump huge amount of money into advertisement to be successful in business.
Posted by: Resource Management at 2012-10-05 02:16:30it is safer than investing in Stocks, It has outperformed stock market again and again most of the time.
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Posted by: 威哥王 at 2013-08-05 23:52:46
salam Ali reza, I saw your advertisment about being a real Estater. I do not know where you are located. I am in Toronto and I look to start doing this at home first. Do you have any conection in toronto I can visit and get the free course. please let me know I appreciate it very much.
Posted by: Manijeh Nouri at 2006-10-30 06:33:43