SIP presents: Film and Cinema , Mr. Reza Badiyi and Mr. Kayvan Mashayekh, and Behrouz Vousooghi as special guest

Friday, October 6, 2006
Time: 06:00 PM
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SIP October 6, 2006 Program

Film and Cinema
Mr. Reza Badiyi and Mr. Kayvan Mashayekh

FAZ Restaurant, Grand Ballroom
Ticket: $15, $10 Members/Students
See below for details or check
http://www.anjoman. org

The Society of Iranian Professionals proudly presents the legendary
film producer Mr. Reza Badiyi and young and talented film writer,
director and producer, Mr. Keyvan Mashayekh. In this program they
will show and discuss their latest films, elaborate on marketing
aspect of film industry and talk about their personal life.

Presenters Bio:

Mr. Reza Badiyi- Mr. Badiyi was born on April 17th 1930 in Tehran
Iran, Reza Badiyi moved to United States in the 1960s to pursue a
film career. He was educated at Syracuse University. He has Over 40
years of industry experience which include over 400 hours of
primetime television, four feature films, and more than 60
documentaries. His directing credits
include episodes of Mission Impossible, Star Treck Nine, Hawaii Five-
O, The Six Million Dollar Man, Starsky and Hutch, Cagney and Lacey,
Falcon Crest, Baywatch, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, La Femme Nikita
and dozens more. He received the Gold Medal of Art from the Shah of
Iran. He also received the Directors Guild of America award for most
hours of television
directing. Badiyi was married to actress/screenwrite r Barbara Turner
from 1968 to 1985. Their daughter Mina Badie is pursuing an acting

Mr. Kayvan Mashayekh- Mr. Mashayekh mmigrated to Houston, Texas at
age 11 from Iran. He graduated from Rice University in 1989 with a
BA in Economics and Managerial Studies. After taking a year off to
start an entrepreneurial business venture, he attended South Texas
College of Law and obtained his Juris Doctorate in 1993. He began
practicing as a criminal defense lawyer in Houston, but after three
years, quit the practice of law and enrolled at the New York Film
Academy to pursue his lifelong dream of writing, producing and
directing. He created Guide Company Films as a result of the mild
success of his first short film, "The Tip." His company is dedicated
to the advancement of the independent film movement by concentrating
on human interest stories that have international appeal.

Mr. Mashayekh has written, produced and directed his first feature
film called "The Keeper: The Legend of Omar Khayyam" which was shot
in Five Cities and Three Continents in a remarkable 37 days of
actual filming. Filmed primarily in Bukhara and Samarkand,
Uzbekistan, the independently financed, non-studio backed film has
an international cast including world renown actors such as Vanessa
Redgrave, Rade Serbedizja, Moritz Bleibtreu, Diane Baker, and C.
Thomas Howell.

The film commenced its theatrical run in movie theaters across the
US beginning in June 2005 and ended up playing in 14 US cities for
nearly one year. In addition to its Box Office success, the film
raised nearly $200,000 for Children's and Cancer Charities in
Houston, New York and London, England as a direct result of it's non-
profit screenings.

Mr. Mashayekh has also guest lectured film studies courses on
independent films at various Universities in America. He is
currently on a public affairs lecture circuit throughout the U.S. to
promote the importance of keeping family historical values alive
from one generation to another.

The film was an Official Selection at the 2005 Moscow International
Film Festival. This year it has received two prestigious Golden
Lioness Awards for Excellence in Directing and Costume Design from
the World Academy of Arts, Literature and Media in Budhapest,
Hungary. "The Keeper" screenplay has also been selected for the
permanent script collection of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts
and Sciences.

Admission/Socializi ng: 6:30 PM:
Friday, October 6, 2006, 7:00 PM
This program is in English

SIP General Meeting: 7:00 PM
Ticket: $15, $10 Members/Students
Appetizer, Persian Pastry, Tea/coffee are Provided

Made possible by generous contributions from our
Ben Absalom, Lawson and Associates Mortgage Planner, 408-626-1620
FAZ Restaurants, www.fazrestaurants. com , 408-752-8000

LOCATION: FAZ Restaurant Ballroom, 1108 N. Mathilda Ave.,
Sunnyvale, CA

Information: 408-236-2188 or http://www.anjoman. org

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Posted by: 威哥王 at 2013-08-05 00:13:40

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