List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2006-11-25

    Join Us for Dinner & Hookah This Saturday

    Bay Area - South Bay Saturday - November 25, 2006     07:30 PM

    Dear Friends,

    What are you doing this Thanksgiving Weekend?

    If you are not traveling this weekend come join Bay Area Persian Social Club ™ on Saturday, November 25, 2006 at 7:30 pm at Loft Bar and Bistro for dinner and hang-out with us afterward for Hookah and Tea at the very hip ShishaHookahLounge . So come bring your smiles and make new friends.

    Please RSVP at no later than Friday, November 24, 2006 for reservation purpose. Please indicate whether you will be joining us for dinner/Hookah or both.

    Dinner Loft Bar & Bistro @ 7:30
    90 S. Second Street, San Jose,
    Tel. 408.291.0677

    ShishaHookahLounge (after dinner)

    84 North, Market Street
    San Jose,Ca,95113
    PHONE: 408.298.0300

    Hope to See Everyone
    Bay Area Persian Social Club & Recreation

    Asal the bay areas official thanksgiving persian party

    Bay Area - San Francisco Saturday - November 25, 2006     08:00 PM

    Shiek Entertainment and Jaam-E-Jam events presents the bay areas official thanksgiving persian party Saturday November 25th 2006

    Location: Pasha Restaraunt 1516 Broadway st, San Francisco ,Ca

    Time: doors open @ 10:00 P.M. early arrival is highly recommended, this event will hit capacity

    Sounds Provided By...

    Dj Blutex , the bay areas best persian DJ

    Special guest female Dj , Dj Nazanin, first of her kind, a female persian DJ

    Dj Pasha

    Dj Mas

    Dj Far

    Come dance and work off that thanksgiving day turkey @ Asal 11/25/06 @ Pasha, we look forward to seeing you all there!

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Ebi in Concert

    Bay Area - South Bay Saturday - November 25, 2006     09:00 PM


    777 Lawrence Expy

    Santa Clara, CA 95051


    Pre-sale $50

    At the door $60

    21 and over

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