List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2007-02-22

    Iranian Peer Counseling Program

    Los Angeles Thursday - February 22, 2007     09:30 AM

    Anousheh Ansari at University of Texas at Arlington

    Texas - Austin Thursday - February 22, 2007     12:00 PM

    February 22, 2007 – Arlington, TX
    University of Texas at Arlington (UTA)
    Time: 12:00pm
    Theme: Celebrating National Engineers Week
    Location: Rosebud Theater at UTA
    Details: TBD
    Participation: Open to students and faculty at UTA and surrounding universities

    Lecture: Iran Under Ahmadi Nejad's Presidency

    Bay Area - Peninsula Thursday - February 22, 2007     04:30 PM

    Iran Under Ahmadi Nejad's Presidency
    Start: 2007-02-22 16:30
    End: 2007-02-22 18:30
    Timezone: Etc/GMT+7
    Event Name:
    Dr. Jahangir Amuzegar
    Event Summary:

    Moghadam Program in Iranian Studies - Dr. Jahangir Amuzegar is an international economic consultant. He was Finance Minister and Economic Ambassador in Iran's pre-1979 government. His lecture will be held Thursday, February 22nd, 4:30-6:30pm, History Corner, Building 200, Room 205.

    Event Contact:

    The Coming Attack on Iran and What We Can Do to Stop It

    Bay Area - Peninsula Thursday - February 22, 2007     05:30 PM

    Thu, Feb 22, 2007 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm Email to a friend
    The Coming Attack on Iran and What We Can Do to Stop It
    Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo
    300 E. Santa Inez
    San Mateo

    The Bush Administration is speaking provocatively about the actions of
    Iran, warning that "If Iran escalates its military actions in Iraq to the detriment of our troops and-or innocent Iraqi people, we will respond
    firmly." An association with terrorism and the specter of weapons of mass destruction are driving those warnings. Recent attacks on Iranians inside Iraq and an OK from Bush to kill Iranians there, as well as the deployment
    of two aircraft carriers and some Patriot missiles to the Persian Gulf, serve up a significant incitement for war. Hovering above all of these and other circumstances is the stark intransigence of Mssrs. Bush and Cheney, who together assert that nothing or nobody (in Congress or anywhere else)
    will stop their surge (read: escalation) in Iraq - leaving the average citizen little choice but to believe that these two also would not be
    stopped from invading Iran.

    Paul George, Executive Director of Palo Alto's Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, sees no choice but to think otherwise, he will speak to Peace Action of San Mateo County about "The Coming Attack on Iran and What We Can Do to Stop It." Paul's talk will follow a 5:30 PM potluck dinner put on by PASMC, at the San Mateo Unitarian Universalists, 300 E. Santa Inez in San Mateo.

    Using the Iraq war, occupation and escalation as an example and a backdrop, Paul will point out the signs leading to U.S. military action
    against Iran, and of course present the kinds of responses peace activists might generate, individually and collectively, to keep an attack from happening. His position as PPJC's director and his history of action on peace and justice issues - to say nothing of his straightforwardness in addressing such issues - make him a strong voice to inform us of the issues and the alternatives.

    The UU is wheelchair accessible. If you come at 5:30 for the dinner please bring a dish to share; beverages of various kinds will be available for purchase.

    About Peace Action of San Mateo County:
    Peace Action of San Mateo County is a local affiliate of Peace Action and Peace Action West. We are a product of the merging of the Nuclear Weapons Freeze and SANE--Committee for a sane nuclear policy. We advocate for nuclear disarmament and weapons abolition, an end to war and arms
    trafficking, and bringing corporations to obey the rule of law.

    For more information contact:
    Mike Caggiano
    Peace Action of San Mateo County

    Society of Iranian Architects and Planners Monthly Meeting

    Los Angeles Thursday - February 22, 2007     07:00 PM

    Event Type: Monthly Meeting
    Title: Society of Iranian Architects and Planners Monthly Meeting Monthly Meeting
    Persian Title: گردهمایی ماهانه انجمن معماران و شهرسازان ایرانی
    Description: Monthly Gathering
    Persian Description: گردهما یی ماهانه
    Host: Society of Iranian Architects and Planners
    Time: Last Thuesday Every Month
    Location Name: Colorado Center Community Room
    Location Address: 2500 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA, 90410

    Sher o Erfan workshop

    Vancouver Thursday - February 22, 2007     08:00 PM

    Studying the divine poetry of Hafez continues this week by reading two new Ghazals.

    The address, time, etc. are also available on the website. Please check for more information. The address is also provided below:

    St. Catherine's Anglican Church
    1058 Ridgewood Drive, Edgemont Village, North Vancouver

    زمان: پنجشنبه هر هفته؛ ساعت 8:00 تا 10:00 شب

    Feel free to distribute this email to your friends who may be interested.


    Gol o Golshan
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