Justice for Leonard Peltier

Friday, March 30, 2007
Time: 12:00 PM
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West Coast Tour

5 events between

Wed March 28 - Sat March 31


Bob Robideau -> Co-director of the Leonard Peltier

Defense Committee and the Co-defendant in the incident at Oglala.

EVENT INFO listed below...

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Leonard Peltier -- a warrior, great-grandfather, artist, writer, &

Indigenous rights activist -- is a citizen of the Anishinabe and

Dakota/Lakota Nations who has been unjustly imprisoned since 1976. A

participant in the American Indian Movement, he went to assist the

Oglala Lakota people on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the mid-70s

where a shoot-out occurred on June 26, 1975. Falsely accused and

framed up for the murder of two agents of the Federal Bureau of

Investigation (FBI), Peltier fled to Canada believing he would never

receive a fair trial in the United States. On February 6, 1976,

Peltier was apprehended by the government of Canada, a historical

accomplice to the US government in the genocide of Indigenous people.

Bob Robideau and Dino Butler, who were also involved in the shoot-out,

were found not guilty on the grounds of self-defense. With fabricated

evidence, the FBI collaborated with Canadian authorities to have

Leonard extradited to the US for the deaths of the two agents.

Although to this day, state prosecutors have admitted that they don't

know who killed the agents, Leonard has been serving out a sentence

twice his natural life in prison.

31 years later, Leonard Peltier's case is still a burning question. 31

years later and the fight for his freedom continues.

This speaking tour will focus on the history of Leonard's case and the

recent developments that are re-energizing the campaign for his


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Wednesday, March 28th

Capilano College


Cedar Theatre Room 148

Thursday, March 29th

University of Victoria


Room 168 (Elliott Building)

Friday, March 30th

University of British Columbia


SUB Room 205

Saturday, March 31st


Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre

Chief Simon Baker Room

1607 East Hastings Street



Sandy Scofield

Rapture Risin'

Skeena Reece



Grandview Legion

2205 Commercial Drive

Please join us for these events! There is much support to build in

Canada for Leonard Peltier's freedom!

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Organized by:

Indigenous Rights and Action Project - IRAP

irap_vancouver@ yahoo.ca


Tour endorsed by:

Indigenous Women's Network, Indigenous Action Movement, United Native

Nations, Hospital Employee's Union, Coop Radio 102.7 FM, Tacoma

Leonard Peltier Support Group, Capilano Students' Union, Capilano

College Department of Anthropology, Capilano College Independent

Indigenous Digital Filmmaking Program, Capilano College Global

Stewardship Program, Langara Students' Union, Free the Cuban 5

Committee - Vancouver, Iranian Committee Against War (ICAW), Kla How

Ya FM, Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO), ThinkNDN,

UBC-AMS Coalition Against War on the People of Iraq & Internationally,

University of Victoria Native Students' Union, University of Victoria

Students' Against War, Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba

(VCSC), and the Vancouver Island Public Interest Resource Group


Reviewed/approved by 7rooz Admin Staff.


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