List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2007-04-20

    UCLA ISG presents The PACI Fashion Show

    Los Angeles Friday - April 20, 2007     12:00 AM

    April 20 (Fri)-LA: UCLA ISG (Iranian Student Group) presents The PACI Fashion Show, to benefit PACI (Persian American Cancer Institute), Info:

    Free Public Forum: War in the Middle East Today: Afghanistan, Iraq. . . & Now Iran

    Vancouver Friday - April 20, 2007     06:30 PM


    War in the Middle East Today: Afghanistan, Iraq. . . &

    Now Iran?


    Friday April 20


    Britannia Community Centre

    1661 Napier St (@ Commercial Dr)


    In the last 6 years, US and other imperialists have

    opened a terrifying era of war, occupation and

    destruction, starting in the Middle East. Starting

    with the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, this inhuman

    war drive has killed uncounted tens of thousands of

    Afghan people and now more than 700,000 Iraqis while

    bringing US-style "democracy" and "freedom" ... Today,

    we are faced with increasing threats of attack against


    What is the imperialist era of war and occupation?

    What are the roots of this imperialist campaign and


    drive against Iran? How does this fit into the overall

    US and imperialist plan for war and plunder in the

    Middle East and the world? What should we do as human

    and peace-loving people and activists in Vancouver?

    Three long-time Iranian activist and journalists,

    participants in the Iranian revolution who are active

    in the social justice and anti-war movements in

    Canada, US and Europe will talk about their experience

    in the

    Middle East and related issues like war and occupation

    by imperialist powers in the third world.


    Ali Yerevani

    Political Editor of the Fire This Time Newspaper

    Saffaar Saaed

    Journalist and writer, long-time social justice and

    antiwar activist

    Mohammed Salemy

    Journalist and long-time antiwar and social justice


    Moderated by: Natasha Shivji Organizer with UBC

    Coalition Against War on the People of Iraq &

    Internationally (CAWOPI) and Tanzanian Social Justice


    Co-Organized by:

    Iranian Committee Against War (ICAW)

    Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO)


    Mobilization Against War & Occupation - MAWO



    phone: 604.322.1764

    fax: 604.322.1763>

    PSA-BA presents: "What It Takes to Be a Leader: The Role of a CEO"

    Bay Area - Peninsula Friday - April 20, 2007     06:30 PM

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