For the Love of RUMI

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Time: 08:00 PM
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For the Love of RUMI


Event Type
Date And Time
8:00 PM Sunday, Jun 17
Event Area
New York Metro
Event Location
NY Open Center 83 Spring St. NYC
-- FOR THE LOVE OF RUMI -- An evening of poetry, music and film celebrating UNESCO's Year of Rumi 2007 "THE WAY OF THE HEART" ecstatic poetry and Sufi teaching stories of Rumi featuring actress TAMIR with Persian music by Amir Vahab "RUMI -- TURNING ECSTATIC..." filmaker Tina Petrova takes us deep into the heart of Sufi Mysticism, featuring Coleman Barks, Andrew Harvey and the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey. SUNDAY JUNE 17 8PM New York Open Center 83 Spring St., NYC NY For tickets call: Ticket Central 212.279.4200 All Tickets $20.00 TAMIR "Allow TAMIR to awaken the soul of Rumi within you. Stunning!" said internationally recognized speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer. TAMIR brings the teachings and poetry of Rumi alive in the 21st century. Her performance culminates with a short whirling ceremony in traditional Turkish costume. She has performed at the United Nations, Sufi Symposium in Edinburgh, Scotland. Actress, playwright and performer of three one-woman shows. Some roles: Medea, Maria Callas, Bernarda Alba, Leah in the Dybbuk and many others. AMIR VAHAB Accomplished Iranian musican and composer who plays tanbur, setar, tar, ney and daf and sings in the traditional Persian style. He composed music for theater and film and appeared in Iranian television and radio in the US. He formed the Soroosh (Messenger Angel) ensemble, which performs folklore music of Iran and draws from Kurdish, Turkish and Lurish traditions and mystical Sufi music. His aim is to draw the listener's attention to the spiritual dimension of existence. TINA PETROVA Her film is a docudrama, recounting Petrova's real life encouter with Rumi after a fateful car crash. She has been part of the Canadian film, televison and stage scene for over 20 years, as an award winning actress, writer, producer and director. Her film debut "The Lost Years," produced with assistance of the National Film Board, garnered nationwide interest and the Golden Sheaf Awards. An alumni of the Canadian Film Center founded by Academy award winner Norman Jewison. __._,_.___
Event Photo

Admission Fee
Contact Info
For tickets call Ticket Central 212.279.4200

Reviewed/approved by talieshah -.


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Posted by: 威哥王 at 2013-07-25 23:31:04

巨人倍増: 三体牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 三體牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 紅蜘蛛:http://紅蜘蛛 威哥王: 三便宝: 巨人倍増: 紅蜘蛛: 三体牛鞭: 三體牛鞭: 五便宝: 巨人倍増: 三体牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 三體牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 威哥王: 三便宝: 巨人倍増: 紅蜘蛛: 三体牛鞭: 三體牛鞭: 五便宝: 巨人倍増: 三体牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 三體牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 威哥王: 三便宝: 巨人倍増: 紅蜘蛛: 三体牛鞭: 三體牛鞭: 五便宝: 巨人倍増: 三体牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 三體牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 威哥王: 三便宝: 巨人倍増: 紅蜘蛛: 三体牛鞭: 三體牛鞭: 五便宝: 巨人倍増: 三体牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 三體牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 威哥王: 三便宝: 巨人倍増:

Posted by: 威哥王 at 2013-07-25 23:31:21

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Posted by: 威哥王 at 2013-07-25 23:37:38

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