“Novels and History: Diaspora writing and Iranian History”

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Time: 06:00 PM
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ear Friends,

Please review upcoming talk sponsored by the Hamid & Christina Moghadam Program in Iranian Studies:

Guest: Professor Bahiyyih Nakhjavani
"Bahiyyih Nakhjavani was born in Iran, raised in East Africa, and studied in Briitain. After receiving a B.A Honours and B.Phil at the University of York, in the UK, she pursued a post-graduate program in Renaissance studies at UMass in Amherst, where she completed her doctorate on the voyeur in 16th century epyllia. Since then she has taught English and Related literature at York University in Toronto, Georgetown University in Washington, and Fourah Bay College at the University of Freetown in Sierra Leone as well as the University of Luxembourg and the Dolibois European Center of Miami University in Luxembourg. She has lived and worked in the Middle East as well as Europe, Africa and North America and has written several books and essays on children's education, the role of women, and the challenge of fundamentalism. Her most recent writing has been fiction. She has published three novels, 'The Saddlebag' (2000) and 'Paper' (2004) published by Bloomsbury and 'The Woman Who Read Too Much' in the French edition of Actes Sud (2007) and the Italian edition of Rizzoli. Her latest novel, from which she will be reading during her US lecture tour, has been inspired by the life and times of Tahirih, Qurratu'l-Ayn, the Persian poet and scholar of 19th century Qajar Iran who shocked her contemporaries by her religious beliefs and her rejection of the veil. Bahiyyih Nakhjavani currently lives and teaches at the Ecole Superieure des Arts Decoratifs de Strasbourg, in France. She was awarded an honourary doctorate by the University of Liège, in Belgium, in September 2007"

“Novels and History: Diaspora writing and Iranian History”

Tuesday, April 22
6-7 pm
Location: Pigott Hall, Building 260, Room 113

Map: http://campus- map.stanford. edu/index. cfm?ID=01- 260
Closest parking is at the Oval. Look for Lasuen Mall (located to your left, if facing Memorial Church).

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Hamid & Christina Moghadam Program in Iranian Studies
Stanford University
School of Humanities & Sciences
Encina Hall West, Rm. 309
phone: 650.724.0939
fax: 650.723.3010 ____________ _________ _________ _________ ________
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Reviewed/approved by talieshah -.

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