Iran is not the Problem
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Please forward this email to groups and individuals in the Bay Area. Next Sunday is the only planned screening in SF, unless we get enough sign-ups for a second show.
IRAN (is not the problem)
"Will truth be the first casualty in our next war?"
A response to the failure of the American mass media to provide the public with relevant and accurate information about the standoff between the US and Iran, as happened before with the lead up to the invasion of Iraq. 85 minute documentary featuring Iranian-Americans and Anti-war activists from the Bay Area.
Sunday, April 27th
Victoria Theatre
2961 16th St (@Capp)
San Francisco, CA
This is the only screening planned for SF at this time. Reserve tickets at
2:00pm movie starts
3:30pm Q&A
5:00pm "Cost of War" Town Hall meeting with Cindy Sheehan, Shirley Golub, and others
Reviewed/approved by talieshah -.
view movie trailer
reserve tickets ($5)
learn about the participants
Please forward this email to groups and individuals in the Bay Area. Next Sunday is the only planned screening in SF, unless we get enough sign-ups for a second show.
IRAN (is not the problem)
"Will truth be the first casualty in our next war?"
A response to the failure of the American mass media to provide the public with relevant and accurate information about the standoff between the US and Iran, as happened before with the lead up to the invasion of Iraq. 85 minute documentary featuring Iranian-Americans and Anti-war activists from the Bay Area.
Sunday, April 27th
Victoria Theatre
2961 16th St (@Capp)
San Francisco, CA
This is the only screening planned for SF at this time. Reserve tickets at
2:00pm movie starts
3:30pm Q&A
5:00pm "Cost of War" Town Hall meeting with Cindy Sheehan, Shirley Golub, and others
Reviewed/approved by talieshah -.
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