List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2008-07-31

    Seventh Biennial Conference of Iranian Studies

    Europe - UK Thursday - July 31, 2008     01:19 AM

    Seventh Biennial Conference of Iranian Studies
    Conference - Introduction
    July 31 - August 3, 2008
    The International Society for Iranian Studies
    Park Hayatt Hotel, Toronto, Canada

    A biennial conference that includes contributions in all fields of Iranian studies, especially new areas of investigation and/or novel approaches to traditional fields.

    Organised by
    International Society for Iranian Studies

    Sponsored by
    American Institute of Iranian Studies
    Association for the Study of Persainate Societies
    Flora Family Foundation
    Foundation for Iranian Studies
    Iran Heritage Foundation
    Toronto Initiative for Iranian Studies
    University of Toronto

    Programme Chair
    Mohammad Tavakoli-Targhi

    This conference includes contributions in all fields of Iranian studies, especially new areas of investigation and/or novel approaches to traditional fields. For programme outline visit conference's website where a preliminary programme with overall layout of each day's schedule is listed. Due to visa related issues E Sessions are not finalized and are not included in this preliminary programme. The conference programme is listed by sessions and shows the session(s) to which each speaker or chair is allocated. There are as yet no abstracts of the presentations and no biographies. Visit the site regularly for changes to the programmes, sessions and speakers.

    Over 200 papers on all aspects of Iranian, art, culture, literature, history and politics by leading Iranian studies scholars will be presented. During the conference the following cultural events will also be presented:

    The Shahnameh Millennium Concert: an innovative programme of orchestral music, naghali recitation and pardekhani visual narration featuring Behzad Ranjbaran's shahnanmeh inspired Persian trilogy performed by Toronto symphony Orchestra.
    Pre-release screening of excerpts from the unique documentary film 'The Glass House' about marginalised young women in Iranian society, followed by a panel discussion with the film-makers and experts on marginalised young persons in Iran.
    Iranian Film Festival: Screening of a powerful collection of feature and documentary film on the general theme of Redefining the Self.
    Persian & Iranian Studies Book Exhibit & Photograph Exhibition

    The conference registration fee for non-ISIS members is $70 ($40 for students & seniors). Registered individuals are entitled to attend all conference panels (July 31 to August 3); all film screenings, and the ISIS receptions. The Shahnameh Millenium concert is ticketed (see Event Information below)

    To print registration form: click here

    For accommodation at Park Hyatt Hotel at a conference discount rate:
    click here or call 1-416-925-1234

    Events Information
    Persian Trilogy: The Shahnamah Millennium Concert with composer Behzad Ranjbaran, female Maestro JoAnn Falletta conductor and artistic director Ariana Barkeshli, played by members of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra; projection of famous Persian miniature art on a giant screen; and narration by Tehran-based master story teller Morshed Valiollah Torabi.

    Roy Thomson Hall, Saturday August 2, 2008, at 8:00 PM

    For Information: click here
    For Ticket: click here

    Film Programme
    A collection of films under the general theme of "Redefining the Self" which has been broadly construed so as to include a wide range of topics from the contestation of gendered or sexual roles, to the reimagining of violence and individual (often women's) resistances to it. Subjects range from the seemingly frivolous, such as cosmetic surgery, to the deadly serious, such as murder.

    For Screening Schedule: click here
    For Tickets: Admission to film screenings is free for registered conference attendees and $10 per screening session for the general public. Buyers of $10 screening tickets should contact 'Enquiries' details below.

    The Glass House Programme
    The Peak Sneak screening of 'The Glass House' followed by 'The Making of The Glass House' - Panel Discussion: Friday, 1st August 2008 at 7:00 PM

    For additional information about the International Society for Iranian Studies, the programme for the biennial conference, the cultural and art events during the conference, the book exhibit, and registration, please visit: or Alternatively contact:
    Shabina Moheebulla, Administrative Assistant, ISIS 2008 Biennial Conference
    University of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Rd., North 153 NE, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6 Canada, Phone +1-905-569-4492; Fax +1-905-569-4412

    The Seventh Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies

    Ontario Thursday - July 31, 2008     02:30 PM

    The Seventh Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies
    Event Info Host: The International Society for Iranian Studies
    Type: Meetings - Informational Meeting
    Time and Place Start Time: Thursday, July 31, 2008 at 2:35pm
    End Time: Sunday, August 3, 2008 at 5:35pm
    Location: Park Hyatt Toronto hotel,
    Street: 4 Avenue Road,
    City/Town: New Toronto, ON
    View MapQuest MapGoogleMapQuestMicrosoftYahoo
    Contact Info Phone: 19055694492

    Dear Colleagues and Friends,

    The International Society for Iranian Studies cordially invites you to
    attend the Seventh Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies, which will
    held at the Park Hyatt hotel in downtown Toronto from July 31 to August
    2008. As the largest gathering of scholars of Iranian and Iran-related
    studies, the ISIS Biennial will bring to Toronto approximately 250
    from around the world to present their latest research on a wide range
    topics. For a partial list of speakers and papers please visit:

    In addition to scholarly panels, we have planned the following cultural

    The Shahnamah Millennium Concert: An innovative program of orchestral
    Shahnamah recitation (naqhali) and visual narration (pardahkhani),
    Behzad Ranjbaran¹s Shahnamah-inspired Persian Trilogy performed by the
    Toronto Symphony Orchestra.

    Breaking the Mould: Young Iranian Girls in Transition: A panel
    followed by excerpts from the documentary ³Finding Home² and the
    Rap Concert at the University of Toronto¹s Isabel Bader Theater.

    Iranian Film Festival: Screenings of an impressive collection of
    feature and
    documentary films related to the general theme ³Redefining the Self.²

    Book Exhibit: Featuring a large array of books and journals by North
    American, European and Iranian publishers.

    This rich and exciting constellation of academic and cultural events
    a rare showcase of Iranian civilization and cultures.

    To register for the conference, please visit:

    To purchase tickets for the Shahnamah Millennium Concert please visit:

    For additional details please visit the conference website:
    or call

    Film: Half Moon by Bahman Ghobadi

    Bay Area - San Francisco Thursday - July 31, 2008     07:30 PM

    Half Moon by Bahman Ghobadi
    Thursday, July 31, 2008, 7:30 PM
    YBCA Screening Room


    Watch the New York Times interview with Bahman Ghobadi »

    A moving and beautiful new film from Kurdish director Ghobadi (A Time for Drunken Horses, Turtles Can Fly). Despite his poor health, the elderly musician Mamo plans to lead a dozen of his sons to Iraq for a concert--"a cry of freedom"--to celebrate the fall of Saddam Hussein and the end of his repression of Kurdish music. His son, Kako, manages to borrow a school bus and along with his other brothers, their precious musical instruments and of course Mamo, drives across the border between Iranian and Iraqi Kurdistan for the big concert. Presented in conjunction with YBCA's Music without Borders weekend, featuring Kronos Quartet and special guest Homayoun Sakhi. (2007, 107 min, 35mm)

    Reserve Seats
    Section Price Per Ticket Number of Tickets
    General Admission $8.00 012345678910 seats
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