Iranian Human Rights: How Iran's people & the world can make a difference

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Time: 05:00 PM
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Iranian Human Rights: How Iran's people & the world can make a difference

Human rights campaigner and former Miss World runner up Nazanin Afshin-Jam in London

Event InfoHost:
The Henry Jackson Society
Meetings - Club/Group Meeting
Time and PlaceDate:
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Committee Room 14, House of Commons
London, United Kingdom
Contact InfoPhone:
“Iranian Human Rights: How the Iranian people and the world can make a difference”

5pm, Tuesday 8th July, Committee Room 14, House of Commons

Nazanin Afshin-Jam, international human rights activist, recording artist and former runner up, Miss World

To attend, please RSVP to

Under its repressive clerical regime, Iran regularly sentences women to death by stoning for crimes such as adultery, executes children and has a president who claims it has no homosexuals. Arbitrary decisions occur regularly. Last week for example, a female student who alleged that a senior male lecturer had sexually harassed her was arrested for ‘publicising a crime’ when she and fellow students protested against the incident. The dismal state of Iran’s human rights – which includes the regime’s hostility towards ethnic minorities such as the Ahwazi Arabs of Khuzestan province and religious minorities such as the Bahai – makes it obvious that international attention is needed. Britain’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office agrees. Its Office Annual Human Rights Report of 2007 was particularly damning of Iran’s record in this regard, stating that “Against a global decreasing trend in the use of the death penalty, the total number of executions in Iran is increasing year on year. Iran remains second only to China (whose population is over 15 times the size of Iran’s) in terms of total number of executions”, concluding that “Iran is in clear breach of its international obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.”

By kind invitation of Graham Stuart MP the Henry Jackson Society and Confederation of Iranian Students are pleased to be able to invite you to a discussion with Nazanin Afshin-Jam, international human rights activist, recording artist and model, to examine what Iranians themselves and the broader international community can do to put pressure on the regime to conform to norms of behaviour. Having launched a successful worldwide campaign to avert one particular child execution in 2006, Nazanin is aware of the power of mass protest and international coalition building to improve the plight of Iranians, both through individuals and governments. She will speak about ways to achieve positive behavioural change in Iran by working through the population, the Iranian student movement’s role in this, as well as the cultural impact of the Iranian educational system and of outside broadcasts such as BBC Persian and Voice of America Persian News.

DATE: Tuesday 8th July 2008

TIME: 5pm

VENUE: Committee Room 14, House of Commons

To attend, please RSVP to

Nazanin Afshin-Jam is an International human rights activist, recording artist, model and 1st Runner up in the Miss World Pageant of 2003.

She was born in Tehran during the turmoil of the Iranian Revolution in 1979, and her family fled to Canada in the early 1980s. These early struggles had a major impact on her beliefs and what she represents, and after a stint in the Canadian air force, Nazanin has campaigned tirelessly to highlight the dismal human rights record in Iran and the Middle East. Focusing on the execution of children and the plight of women in the Middle East, in 2006 Nazanin launched a successful campaign to save the life of an Iranian girl (also called Nazanin) who had been sentenced to be hanged for stabbing a man who attempted to rape her and her sister.

Nazanin’s music is unique for the human rights message it carries, and her debut album ‘Someday’ attracted much attention in the USA, Canada and Europe last year. She has addressed the United Nations, European Union, Canadian Parliament and has also been featured on CNN, BBC, CNBC, FOX, Al Jazeera and numerous radio shows, talk shows and print including Glamour, Seventeen, Chatelaine, Flare and Vanity Fair magazine.

For more information on Nazanin, please see:

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Posted by: 三体牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 三體牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭 at 2013-09-26 02:33:50

妖姫: 淫インモラル: インモラル: 紅蜘蛛:http://紅蜘蛛 威哥王: 三便宝: 巨人倍増: 紅蜘蛛: 三体牛鞭: 三體牛鞭: 中絶薬: 花痴: 媚薬: RU486: 精力剤: 精力剤: 福源春: 韓国痩身一号: 狼一号: 狼1号: 蟻力神: 韓国痩身1号: 韓国痩身一号: 天天素: 男宝: 漢方薬: 避妊薬: 催淫カプセル: 催淫: 妻之友: 経口避妊薬: 早漏防止: ペニス増大: ED治療薬: ダイエット薬: 漢方ダイエット: 三便宝: 三鞭粒: 三便宝: ru486 個人輸入: ru486 販売: キョジンバイゾウ: ビグレックス: D10 媚薬: イーリーシン: さんべんぼう: 漢方 強精剤: 強精剤: 巨根カプセル: きょくび: 超級脂肪燃焼弾: 曲美: 終極痩身カプセル: VigRX Oil: VigRX: ビグレックス オイル: 福源春カプセル: 西班牙蒼蝿水: 男露888: 魔根: 美人豹: 法国性奴: 性霸2000: 絶對高潮カプセル: 絶對高潮: 男根増長素: 勃動力: 勃動力三體牛鞭: イカオウ: ウェイカワン: 巨人倍増 販売: 威哥王 販売: 三便宝 販売: 紅蜘蛛 通販: 紅蜘蛛 激安: 紅蜘蛛 液体: 威可王: 三便宝 激安: 三便宝 販売: 三便宝 販売店: 威哥王三鞭粒: 曲美 正規品: 曲美 通販: 曲美 ダイエット: 曲美 本物: 勃起促進: VVK: 性欲増強: pronetil spray: SPANISCHE FLIEGE: 蟻王: 花之欲: 蒼蝿水: SEX DROPS: 三便宝カプセル: きょくび: ベニクモ: 新一粒神: 壮三天: 終極痩身: 日本秀身堂: SUPER FAT BURNING: FAT BURNING: 御秀堂: 痩身一号: 痩身1号: v26: v26 薬: v26 カプセル: v26 ダイエット: ダイエット: 肥滿: ED シアリス: 精力増強剤: 脂肪燃焼: 新陳代謝: 肥滿: 漢方精力剤: 漢方薬 通販: Wenickman: WENICKMAN: ペニス増大: アリ王: ANT KING: 催情剤: しんいちつぶしん: ハナチ: FAT BURNING: ナンパオ: プロコミルスプレー: くらはちほう: 西班牙昆虫粉: 蔵八宝: FLY D5: D5 原液: Xing霸: 媚薬蟻王: リキッド媚薬: 妖姫: 淫インモラル: インモラル:

Posted by: 妖姫: 淫インモラル: at 2013-09-26 03:01:41

巨人倍増: 淫インモラル: インモラル: 淫インモラル 販売: インモラル 販売: 媚薬 淫イン モラル: 媚薬 インモラル: 妖姫: 妖姫 販売: 妖姫 媚薬: 妖姫 通販: 蟻力神: 五便宝: VigRx : ビグレックス: vigRx oil: キョジンバイゾウ: ウェイカワン: イカオウ: SPANISCHE FLIEGE: 催淫通販: 男宝: ナンパオ: 巨根カプセル: 紅蜘蛛: ベニクモ: ハナチ: 蒼蝿水: 三體牛鞭: 三体牛鞭: 男根増長素: 魔根: 男露888: しんいちつぶしん: くらはちほう: 勃動力: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 夜の健康食品: 催淫: 催情: ビグレックス オイル: 巨人倍増 販売: 威哥王 販売: 紅蜘蛛 液体: 紅蜘蛛 激安: 紅蜘蛛 通販:

Posted by: 巨人倍増: 淫インモラル: イ at 2013-09-26 03:21:31

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