List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2008-09-19
Mohsen Namjoo SOLO in concert
California - San Diego Friday - September 19, 2008 08:00 AM
Beyond Persia Presents MOHSEN NAMJOO
September 19th 2008
Museum of Contemprary Arts, San Diego at La Jolla
Sherwood Auditorium
San Diego for tickets.
Doors: 7pm
Performance: 8PM
Post show reception with the artist for VIP ticket holders
10PM - Midnight.
September 19th 2008
Museum of Contemprary Arts, San Diego at La Jolla
Sherwood Auditorium
San Diego for tickets.
Doors: 7pm
Performance: 8PM
Post show reception with the artist for VIP ticket holders
10PM - Midnight.
"Get Out of Iraq! Stay Out of Iran!" Vigil & Demonstration
Bay Area - Peninsula Friday - September 19, 2008 04:30 PM
"Get Out of Iraq! Stay Out of Iran!" Vigil & Demonstration
Friday, September 19 2008 @ 04:30 PM
Corner of El Camino Real & Embarcadero Rd.
Palo Alto
Iraq Moratorium - Monthly Action to Stop the War - "Human Billboard" Vigil - Troops Home Now!
Please join Peninsula Peace and Justice Center to oppose the ongoing occupation of Iraq and the drumbeats for war on Iran. We will create a "human billboard" by holding antiwar signs and banners, and encourage evening commuters to actively oppose the war. This action is part of the Iraq Moratorium project, a monthly series of actions demanding an end to the war. On the third Friday of each month, local peace groups are taking the time to show our President, Congress, and candidates that our troops must be brought home, now!
For more information on PPJC and this action, or for more information on ongoing local vigils, call 650-326-8837 or visit Sign the Iraq Moratorium pledge and get involved with the campaign at
This event is sponsored by Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Event URL:
Friday, September 19 2008 @ 04:30 PM
Corner of El Camino Real & Embarcadero Rd.
Palo Alto
Iraq Moratorium - Monthly Action to Stop the War - "Human Billboard" Vigil - Troops Home Now!
Please join Peninsula Peace and Justice Center to oppose the ongoing occupation of Iraq and the drumbeats for war on Iran. We will create a "human billboard" by holding antiwar signs and banners, and encourage evening commuters to actively oppose the war. This action is part of the Iraq Moratorium project, a monthly series of actions demanding an end to the war. On the third Friday of each month, local peace groups are taking the time to show our President, Congress, and candidates that our troops must be brought home, now!
For more information on PPJC and this action, or for more information on ongoing local vigils, call 650-326-8837 or visit Sign the Iraq Moratorium pledge and get involved with the campaign at
This event is sponsored by Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Event URL:
Special program for Laylat al-Qadr - Dr. Bazaie, بازنگری و ارزیابی ارزشهای الهی--انسانی از دیدگاه قرآن
Bay Area - South Bay Friday - September 19, 2008 07:30 PM
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
شب خیز که عاشقان به شب رازکنند
گرد در و بام دوست پرواز کنند
هرجاکه دری بود به شب دربندند
الا در دوست را که شب باز کنند
Bonyad: Special program for Laylat al-Qadr
Dr. Bazaie, بازنگری و ارزیابی ارزشهای الهی--انسانی از دیدگاه قرآن
Human Dignity Day - Serve the homeless, September 20th. http://www.rahima. org/
ICCNC: Dr. Sachadina, Special Laylat al-Qadr Programs, Thurs Sept 18th
ICCNC: Dr. Sachadina, Special Laylat al-Qadr Programs, Sat Sept 20th
Special Youth Program - Lecture after Iftar by Dr. Ayazifar
ICCNC: Dr. Iravani, Sun Sept 21st
Program for Friday September 19, 2008
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TOPIC: بازنگری و ارزیابی ارزشهای الهی--انسانی از دیدگاه قرآن
LOCATION: One West Campbell Ave, Campbell, CA 95008
Roosevelt Room (Q-80) campbell. /downloads/ CCCdirmap4email. pdf
http://www.bonyadto CCCMap.pdf
Time Description
7:30 Prayer & Quran
8:00 Iftar/Dinner
8:45 Dua/Munajat
9:00 Guest Speaker
10:30 Dua' Joshan-e Kabeer
11:00 End of Program
Dr. Mohammad Bagher Bazaei attended various theological and Islamic
seminaries (Hausehay-e Elmiaya) in Iran since childhood and graduated
from the National University of Iran in the field of Political and
Social Science with an emphasis on Islamic studies in
1978. Bazaei obtained his Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science
from University of California at Santa Barbara in 1991 (in
conjunction with UC Berkeley) with strong emphasis on the religious
studies and Islamic theology, history, and civilization. He has been
teaching, lecturing, and conducting research on the subjects of
"Islam and political development, " "Classical and modern Islamic
Political Thought," "Comparative Religions and Judeo-Christian and
Islamic Theology," and sociology of religion at the University of
California and other institutions. Dr. Bazaei is also a speaker and lecturer at the IMAN Foundation.
Upcoming Programs
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September 19: Dr. Mohammad Bagher Bazaie, بازنگری و ارزیابی ارزشهای الهی--انسانی از دیدگاه قرآن
September 26: Mr. Hamid Entezam, Successful fasting, روزه داری کامیاب
Community Announcements *
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Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California (ICCNC)
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· Ramadan 1429/2008 Announcement and Program Information
· Ramadan 1429/2008 Timetable and Program Schedule English Version or Farsi Version
Thursday September 18: Magrib Prayer, Iftar, Lecture by Dr. Sachadina (English/Farsi) , Du`a, and Special Laylat al-Qadr Programs
Friday September 19: Friday Prayer at 1:30PM, Magrib Prayer, Iftar, Lecture by Dr. Sachadina
Saturday September 20: Magrib Prayer, Iftar, Lecture by Dr. Sachadina (English/Farsi) , Du`a, and Special Laylat al-Qadr Programs
Special Youth Program - Lecture after Iftar by Dr. Babak Ayazifar, U.C. Berkeley Professor. Childcare and program for children will also be available.
Sunday September 21: Magrib Prayer, Iftar, and Lecture by Dr. Iravani (Farsi/English)
Dr. Sachadina, Special Guest Lecturer Sept. 18, 19, and 20
Lecture Topic: "The Qur'an and Ahlul-Bayt: The Two Sources of Guidance in Islam"
Born in Tanzania, Abdulaziz Sachedina is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia. He earned his BA degrees from Aligarh Muslim University in India and Ferdowsi University in Iran, and MA/PhD degrees from the University of Toronto. Dr. Sachedina has been a visiting professor at Wilfrid Laurier, Waterloo and McGill Universities in Canada, Haverford College and the University of Jordan, Amman. He has lectured widely in East Africa, India, Pakistan, Europe, and the Middle East. Professor Sachedina is a core member of the "Islamic Roots of Democratic Pluralism" project in the CSIS Preventive Diplomacy program and a key contributor to the program's efforts to link religion to universal human needs and values in the service of peace-building. He has also authored many books.
Dr. Ahmad Iravani
Lecture Topic: Interpretation of Surah 11, Houd, Special Guest Lecturer Sept. 21 to 29
Iravani is a professor at Mofid University in Qom, Shi`ite Islam's theological learning center in Iran. He has earned the highest post-doctoral degrees possible in traditional Islamic jurisprudence (called Ijtihad). He also served as head of his university's School of Philosophy while also teaching Islamic economics, law, logic and philosophy at several other Iranian universities. Currently, Mr. Iravani is teaching and studying for his Doctoral degree in western philosophy at Catholic University in Washington DC.For more information visit http://law.cua. edu/conference/ iravani.cfm.
· Toastmasters at ICCNC - Regular Meetings on Saturday at 10:30-12:00 Noon
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The Volunteers of Bonyad Towhid will greatly appreciate your comments, suggestions, and contributions. You can send email to us at BonyadTowhid@
www.bonyadtowhid. org
http://groups. group/BonyadTowh id/
Best Regards,
Bonyad Towhid
* References made herein to other sources are intended solely as a convenience to Bonyad Towhid email recipients. We have attempted to provide accurate information obtained from the original source, but more recent schedules, events, and other information may be available. The most up-to-date information may be obtained from the source.
References provided in this email to any source for information, services, or products do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Bonyad-e Towhid or any of its Board members. Bonyad Towhid assumes no responsibility for the contents of any of the sources referenced herein.
Bonyad Towhid is a non-profit organization and is not affiliated with any political or governmental organizations.
GAVANNA @ BUTTERFLY - Another energy packed night w/ the Best International Crowd in the city!!!
Bay Area - San Francisco Friday - September 19, 2008 09:00 PM