One day event Persian dance workshop, performance, music, poetry and more...
Time: 12:00 AM
Pacific Arts Center, 10469 Santa Monica blvd @Beverly Glen
Los Angeles, CA
Phone: 3104819966
11- noon: Children ( 8-13), 2pm- 3:45 pm: Beginners Adults and teens, 4pm- 6pm: intermediate and advanced.
For further information and RESERVATIONS( space is very limited) go to or email Sahar at
Persian Classical dance and music
Contemporary Persian dance
Mystical dance
Live music
“In the mechanical world of today, it is important to feel alive, not to deny our existence as living beings made of moving particles and feel the unity and the sense of movement with the universe. When I turn in harmony with music and nature, I can have that experience. Everyone can, in their own samaa feel life within them, connect with others and nature…Away from Iran, my artistic world is my connection to home. Practicing and sharing my passion for music, dance and poetry gives me a sense of identity, a sense of unity with everything and everyone.”
Biography :
Sahar is originally from Iran and moved to Paris, France for her artistic and cultural studies. She is currently based there, dancing with Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam, and Nakissa. She combines dance with poetry recitation and is studying the philosophy and poetry of Rumi as well as Hafez. She is also a choreographer and taught dance for many years. In 2007, she was invited to perform as a soloist in Konya, Turkey for the international festival of the 800 anniversary of Mowlana Rumi where she had musical encounters with great Persian Masters like Master Shahram Nazeri, Master Zolfonoun and many more. She continued her artistic projects and has performed internationally with Master musicians like Master Madjid Khaladj and Master Abdul Reza Rahnama. or email Sahar at
Posted by Sahar Dehghan.
Reviewed/approved by talieshah -.
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