List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2009-02-07

    The Iranian Revolution: Thirty Years

    New Jersey Saturday - February 7, 2009     08:45 AM



    8.45 Registration and Opening Remarks

    9.15-9.45 Conference Keynote Address:
    Ervand Abrahamian, Baruch College, CUNY
    The Islamic Republic after Thirty Years

    Chair: Charles Haberl

    Gunes Tezcur, Loyola University, Chicago
    Religiosity and Political Rule in the Islamic Republic

    Kambiz Behi, Harvard University
    Iran’s “New Constitutionalism”

    Reza Akbari, Freedom House
    The Role of the Guardian Council within the Iranian Government

    11.10-11.30 Coffee Break

    Chair: Catherine Sameh

    Babak Rahimi, University of California, San Diego
    Shi‘a Iranian Politics after 30 Years of Revolution

    Mehrdad Mashayekhi, Georgetown University
    Transformations of the Post-Revolutionary Oppositional Political Discourse

    12.30-1.30pm Lunch Break


    Kevan Harris, Johns Hopkins University
    State-Making, War-Making, and Welfare-Making: The Ad Hoc Consolidation of the Islamic Republic of Iran

    Mustafa El-Labbad, East Center for Regional and Strategic Studies, Cairo
    The role of Family relations in revolutionary Iran

    Kjetil Selvik, University of Oslo
    Iran’s Industrial Entrepreneurs since the 1979 Revolution

    Sina Mossayeb, Columbia University
    Iran’s Intellectual Drain: The Challenges of Developing an Intellectual Community under the Islamic Republic of Iran

    Julien Pelissier, University of Toulouse
    The Impact of the Revolution on Iran's Finance Industry

    3.30-3.50 Coffee Break

    Chair: Zakia Salime

    Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet, University of Pennsylvania
    Civil Liberties, Civic Wombs: Women and Maternalism in the Islamic Republic

    Hamideh Sedghi, Harvard University
    Cyber-feminism and the Politics of Resistance in Iran: The One Million Signatures Campaign.

    Chair: Paul Sprachman

    Marek Smurzynski, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
    Pain as a rule of the social order in Abu Torab Khosravi's Rud-e ravi

    A. Korangy Isfahani, University of Virginia
    What does Da'i Jan Napelon mean now?

    5.45 -6.15 Day One Closing Lecture:
    Fatemeh Keshavarz, Washington University
    Women Shaping Literature and Art: A Glimpse of Post-Revolutionary Iran

    7.00 CONFERENCE DINNER (advance tickets only)

    8.30 HAALE IN CONCERT (ticketed event, $10/5, at the door, Trayes Hall)

    SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2009

    Chair: Ahmad Ashraf

    Ali Banuazizi, Boston College
    Interpreting the Iranian Revolution Three Decades Later

    Mark Gould, Haverford College
    Theorizing the revolution

    10.20-10.40: Coffee Break

    Janet Bauer, Trinity College
    Imagining the Masses: The Lived Consequences of Misreading the Iranian

    Peter Chelkowski, New York University
    Art at the Service of the Revolution

    12.00-1.00 Lunch Break

    Chair: Peter Golden

    Trita Parsi, National Iranian-American Council
    Iran’s Post-Revolution Foreign Policy – Continuity or Change?

    George Sanikidze, Tbilisi State University
    Iran and the South Caucasus

    Radwan Ziadeh, Harvard University
    The Syrian – Iranian Relationship after the Revolution

    Rasmus Elling, University of Copenhagen
    The Legacy of Khomeini: Questions of Ethnicity, Nation and National Identity

    2.50-3.30 Closing Lecture:
    Mehdi Bozorgmehr, City College, CUNY
    Iranians in Amrika

    *For more information, please contact Shehnaz Abdeljaber at

    Bone Marrow Drive for 24yr old Kayvon

    Bay Area - San Francisco Saturday - February 7, 2009     10:00 AM

    Hello friends,
    I would like to introduce you to our friend Kayvon who is a 24 year old Iranian-Mexican man.

    Kayvon was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia a few months ago and his doctors need Kayvon to have a bone marrow transplant in order to cure him from this rare and dangerous illness. Kayvon does not have a match for the transplant and he and his family are looking for a donor to possibly match him and save his life. Best possible donors for Kayvon are those with Middle Eastern or Latino background. As always, all donors are needed for other patients as well.

    Please take a moment and strongly consider becoming a donor on the registry and do what it takes to immediately save a life. We encourage you to pass this information for the drive along to any persons who may be possible donors for Kayvon (Multiracial, Middle Eastern, Latino).

    If you have registered in the past 10 years, you do not need to register again. You can still help by spreading the word and encouraging others to become registered.
    For more information on becoming a donor or the donation process, please visit or call (510) 908-2170. There are 2 drives taking place this weekend:


    Date: Saturday, February 7, 2009
    Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
    Location: Albany Village, 4 Corners Room

    1123 Jackson St. Albany, CA

    Date: Sunday, February 8, 2009
    Time: 12:00pm - 6:00pm
    Location: Campbell Community Center - Room D38: Persian Cultural Center
    Street: One Campbell Ave Campbell, CA

    Thank you for your support!


    California - Davis Saturday - February 7, 2009     11:00 AM




    Saturday February 7, 2009

    11:00 AM - 9:00 PM

    Art Annex, UC Davis Campus

    Refreshments served all day (FREE ADMISSION)
    Program Details:

    11-11:15 Welcome: Suad Joseph, Director, Middle East/South Asia Studies

    11:15 - 12:35 - Film Screening:
    "Where is the friend's House"
    Directed by Abbas Kiarostami

    12:35 - 1:00:
    Moderator: Shirin Rahimian, Iranian Studies Organizing Committee
    Iranian Filmic Production Today: Discussion
    Saeed Shafa, Executive Director, Tiburon International Film Festival

    1:00 - 1:30 Refreshments

    1:30 - 2:30
    Moderator: Suad Joseph, Director, Middle East/South Asia Studies
    . Iran Today and Launching Iranian Studies in ME/SA at UC Davis
    . George R. Mangun, Dean, Division of the Social Sciences, UC Davis
    . Ali Anooshahr, Assistant Professor, History, UC Davis

    2:30-4:00 - Film Screening:
    Directed by Dariush Mehrjui

    4:00 - 4:15 Break/Refreshments

    4:15 - 5:00 Moderator: Bijan Bijan, Iranian Studies Organizing Committee
    Iranian Alumni and Students on Launching Iranian Studies
    Reza Mahdavi, President Iranian Alumni Association
    Sina Ferdosi, UC Davis Alumnus, Paynad e Jomeh
    Yasmine Hashemzadeh, Iranian Student Aesthetic and Cultural Org,

    5:00 - 6:30 - Film Screening:
    Directed by Mohsen Makhmalbf

    6:30 - 7:00 Dinner Served

    7:00 - 7:30
    Next Steps: Suad Joseph, Director, Middle East/South Asia Studies
    Bijan Bijan, Iranian Studies Organizing Committee
    Shirian Rahimian, Iranian Studies Organizing Committee
    Ali Anooshahr, Assistant Professor, History, UC Davis
    Reza Mahdavi, President Iranian Alumni Association, UC Davis

    7:30 - 9:00 - Film Screening:
    "The Circle (Dayereh)"
    Directed by Jafar Panahi

    Sponsored by: The Middle East/South Asia Studies Program, University of California, Davis

    Admission is free to the public. Contact: Gurjit Mann (530) 754-4926

    "Le Cheval de Mer"(ShahrokhMoshkinGhalam/Kamran Souresrafil/Laurent Stocker

    Europe - Belgium Saturday - February 7, 2009     04:00 PM

    "Le Cheval de Mer"(ShahrokhMoshkinGhalam/Kamran Souresrafil/Laurent Stocker
    Sous la direction de Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam (Comédie Française)
    Event Info Host: Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam
    Type: Music/Arts - Performance
    Network: Global
    Time and Place Date: Saturday, February 7, 2009
    Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
    Location: Au Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier
    Street: 21, rue du Vieux-Colombier 75006
    City/Town: Paris, France
    View MapQuest MapGoogleMapQuestMicrosoftYahoo
    Contact Info Phone: 0144398718


    Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam
    Le Cheval de Mer
    Mise en espace des poèmes de Paul Melki.

    Samedi 7 février
    à 16h
    Au Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier.

    Avec la participation de Laurent Stocker, sociétaire de la Comédie-Française.
    Son et vidéo, Kamran Souresrafil.
    Costumes, Chouchane Abello Tcherpachian.

    Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier
    21, rue du Vieux-Colombier 75006 Paris
    Réservation 01 44 39 87 00/01
    Plein tarif 8 € - Tarif réduit 6 €

    « Je considère le monde tel que je l’aperçois mais mon petit monde n’a que la taille de ma connaissance, les informations me limitent à la petitesse de leurs étendues mais l’information est illimitée et donc l’on n’est jamais sur de ceux que l’on sait. Le monde des autres nous est méconnu, le monde des handicapés est abstrait, la seule façon de "savoir" est de s’ouvrir, voir, et écouter. Le silence, le !ralenti, l’impassibilité, n’entrent pas dans nos modes de fonctionnement. On veut toujours du mouvement, que quelque chose "arrive", et c’est parfois quand "rien" n’arrive que la vie commence… La collision entre l’expression physique des danseurs/comédiens et l’univers qui parait opposé de Paul Melki me donne l’opportunité de nouvelles expériences. Je veux lui offrir mon corps, exploité abusivement, sacrifier les turbulences pour le silence, lumières pour les Ténèbres. Ma rencontre avec Paul Melki m’a ouvert les yeux sur l’existence d’un monde intérieur bien plus puissant que notre réalité de personnes "valides". »
    Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam

    A very significant event in Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam,s career in la Comedie Francaise.
    Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam who joined the Comedie Francaise in January 2005 as an actor
    is directing a play for the first time in the "Theatre du Vieux Colombier" on Saturday February 7th at 4pm

    The play is inspired by Paul Melki,s poems.

    You may reserve your seats by telephone
    01 44 39 87 18 or by responding to this mail and mentioning the number of seats that you would like.

    The End Times, The Golden Age

    Australia Saturday - February 7, 2009     04:30 PM

    Join us, give warmth to our Persian Social Gathering and watch a Movie (in English) about the golden age of Imam Mahdi (AS).
    Visit for further details

    Shab Didar (Valentine's Night)

    New York Saturday - February 7, 2009     06:06 PM

    Shab Didar
    Valentine’s Night
    Friday, February 13, 2009
    Fiesta, Wood-Ridge, New Jersey

    Dear Friends:

    On behalf of many dedicated friends and community supporters, I am pleased to announce a gathering of old and new friends to celebrate one of a kind Persian Valentine’s Night on Friday, February 13, 2009 at the exquisite Fiesta site with full-course hors d’oeuvres, dinner, desserts and live music to reminisce the nostalgic moments of our lives with our dear ones. This gregarious gathering will start at 8 p.m. promptly and includes a live D.J. as well. Admission fee is $35.00. For groups over 5 people, advance reservations are highly recommended. The event site, Fiesta, provides free parking at 17 Route 17 South, Wood-Ridge, New Jersey 07075. Information and reservations numbers are (201) 935-8033, (212) 683-7700 and (646) 772-3796. The event is organized by Messrs. Jamshid S. Irani, Esq. and Farhad Nazem.

    Mahfele Molana With Amir Aram

    Bay Area - Peninsula Saturday - February 7, 2009     06:30 PM

    Mahfele Molana With Amir Aram
    A Night Of Poetry and Music
    Saturday February 7th, 2009, 6:30 PM
    Los Gatos Church of Scientology
    650 Saratoga Ave.
    San Jose, Ca 95128
    For Direction Only (408)249-2700
    Space is Limited Please RSVP By January 31th. (650)704-6775
    Ticket Per Person$30
    (Cash Only Please)
    Dinner and Refreshments will be Served.

    Maz Jobrani in Bostin

    Massachusetts Saturday - February 7, 2009     07:00 PM

    Maz Jobrani at the Berklee Performance Center in Boston, MA on Saturday, February 7, 2009. Tickets are available now at:

    Presentation by Mrs. Bahadorzadeh نقش همیاری مردم درپیشبرد امورخیریه و عام المنفعه

    Bay Area - San Francisco Saturday - February 7, 2009     07:00 PM

    Program: Presentation and Q & A. Sweets and tea will be served.
    Lecture Topic:

    نقش همیاری مردم درپیشبرد امورخیریه و عام المنفعه

    Mrs Bahadorzadeh is a well known philanthropist, whose contributions to elderly and physically handicapped Iranians is countless.

    Mrs. Ashraf Ghandehari Bahadorzadeh has founded the Ladies Charitable Society (a group of more than three thousand volunteers) who has been full force behind the development and growth of Kahrizak Foundation. You will have an opportunity to hear and ask questions about tireless efforts of Mrs. Bahadorzadeh and the volunteers at Kahrizak . You can also learn about different ways of becoming part of this inspiring volunteer group and organization.

    Dance - Poetry - Music of the Silk Road

    Bay Area - San Francisco Saturday - February 7, 2009     08:00 PM

    February 7, 2009 Berkeley CA
    Showcase: Work in Progress
    Dance - Poetry - Music
    of the Silk Road
    8:00-9:30pm Western Sky Studios
    2525 8th Street @ Dwight Way
    $10 - $20 (sliding scale)
    Ballet Afsaneh principal dancers, and members of the Afsaneh Dance Academy, present works in progress. Great dancing, live classical Persian music, and special guests, in a relaxed and intimate setting. Come ready to dance and enjoy!

    BRAZILIAN CARNAVAL @ ANA MANDARA (an international event)

    Bay Area - San Francisco Saturday - February 7, 2009     09:00 PM

    Our 2nd Annual Brazilian Carnaval Party at Ana Mandara is bringing the heat again from the Sexiest City on Earth, RIO DE JANEIRO. Saturday, Feb 7.

    10 PIECE LIVE SAMBA PERCUSSION along with the Amazing High Energy Samba Performances from San Francisco’s Carnaval Queen Micaela Mazzini
    and her team.

    DJ AYKUT, KBLO and DJ TURKER will be on the decks to make it an unforgettable night for everyone. Carnaval Music with the BEST Brazilian, European and Middle Eastern House Mixes!!

    - Complimentary Carnaval Masks, Beads & Party Favors for early birds.
    - Premium LEBLON Caipirinhas will be served all night!!

    For Discounted Advance Tickets & More info: | 415.260.9920
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