Sufi Celebration: Revelations of the Illuminated Heart
Time: 07:00 PM
Bovard Auditorium USC Campus
3551 Trousdale Parkway
Los Angeles, CA
Phone: (310) 550-0369

Featuring Poetry, Music, Sufi Chanting & Meditations
In the teachings of Sufism, commonly known as the mystical division of Islam, the true human being is considered as the perfect image of existence. Sufism is associated with a sense of liberation, unity, compassion, love and knowledge.
One can experience a glimpse of the vastness of Sufism at the 3rd annual Southern California Sufi Celebration to be held at USC. The evening is a celebration of the message of Sufism, including the principles of self-knowledge, love, unity, peace, and charity to one’s life, community, and environment.
The Sufi Celebration is sponsored by the M.T.O. Sufi Association, a vibrant and interdenominational group of students and young professionals. The M.T.O. Sufi Association is a living example of an important Sufi principle, mutual respect and valuation of the human being regardless of any social boundaries. While members represent the Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, and Hindu faiths, the organization also demonstrates the larger focus Sufism places on the unifying knowledge of the true essence of the human being, and not on the labels of gender, religion or culture.
This joyful evening will include poetry readings, showcasing the works of world-known Sufi masters like Rumi. Singing and live music played on a mix of modern and traditional Persian instruments will fill the air. Sufi chanting, Zikr, renowned for its revitalizing and soothing effects will be the highlight of the evening. Not to be missed are the demonstrations of Tamarkoz (Sufi Mediation), a practice that teaches concentration transcending the mind and extending to the heart, thus enabling a deeper meditation. As in the past sold-out performances, presentations on different aspects of Sufism will also be part of this unique event.
The Sufi Celebration is the perfect event for all humans interested in self-knowledge. The current Master of M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi School of Islamic Sufism, Molana Salaheddin Ali Nader Angha “Pir Oveyssi”, states: “Sufism is the essence of the prophets’ teachings. It has existed since the beginning of human history, for its seed lies within every human heart”.
This special celebration entitled "Revelations of the Illuminated Heart" will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2009 at the Bovard Auditorium on the USC campus from 7-9 pm. For more information and tickets, call (310) 529-5389, email, or visit the Sufi Association Celebration website at
or to buy tickets online.
M.T.O. Sufi Association
Press Contact: Ed Selbe: 949-202-9957
For more information and tickets, call (310) 529-5389 or visit the Sufi Association Celebration website at or to buy tickets online.

Posted by MTO Sufi Association.
Reviewed/approved by talieshah -.
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