Mercy For All Informational Session
Time: 05:00 PM
Stanford Graduate Community Center, Havana Room
750 Escondido Road
Stanford, CA
Phone: 8123618980

Host: Rahmat - Mercy For All
Type: Education - Workshop
Time and Place
Date: Sunday, February 22, 2009
Time: 5:00pm - 8:30pm
Location: Stanford Graduate Community Center, Havana Room
Street: 750 Escondido Road
City/Town: Stanford, CA
Contact Info
Phone: 8123618980
Please come to this important informational session about Mercy For All.
5:00 – 5:30 pm Gathering
5:30 – 5:45 pm Information on the Silent Auction
5:45 – 6:30 pm Presentation
6:30 – 7:00 pm Entertainment
7:00 – 8:00 pm Dinner/Speech by Dr. Shahriar Rouhani
8:00 – FAQ
Please RSVP by emailing Yasaman Ashki (
(*Dinner will be catered by Esfehani Kabob)
Mercy For All or Rahmatul L’il Alameen in Arabic comes from the twenty first chapter of the Holy Quran. We strive to support needy and disadvantaged Iranian orphans. Our first priority is to empower and preserve the self-respect of those receiving aid. This vitally important yet commonly forgotten principle is based in the belief that through proper support, education, guidance, and most importantly love we can empower these beautiful and bright young children to grow into beacons of hope for their future society.
The Mercy For All Charity Organization has been active in Iran supporting hundreds of orphaned families since 1994. Their mental and physical health, achievement of financial independence, and cultural elevation has been of the organization's greatest priorities.
Mercy for All Charity Organization has been supporting hundreds of orphaned families throughout Iran. The organization, constantly growing larger, is currently providing aid for 2000 orphan children.
Mercy for All distributes aid through 500 volunteer social workers who have formed strong bonds with the orphaned families. While eager to spread to every city and town, its support currently extends to the following areas:
• Tehran
• Kermanshah
• Mashhad
• Yazd
• Babol
• Chaloos
• Semnan
What Makes Us Unique
To this day, none of our beneficiaries have any knowledge of the organization's existence. We are proud to make it a principle that preserving the honor of those who receive our help is the greatest gift we can offer them. Mercy For All has no paid employees, and all aid received by us is, without exception, utilized for orphans and the needy. We certainly do not have the ability or resources to reach out to all of those who are in need, but we shall endeavor to bring all aid that reaches us to the deprived and disadvantaged through humanitarian values.
Mercy For All is recognized as an official Nonprofit Organization in Iran (as Rahmat) and has a Community Account in Canada. Mercy For All is an up and coming Nonprofit in the US. Unfortunately, because we have not secured 501(c)3 status as of yet, we are not able to provide receipts for tax deduction purposes. Donors may donate directly to Iran if they have access or can make funds out to Mercy For All – Canada. Information is on the Mercy For All website (
Posted by Mercy For All.
Reviewed/approved by Abdolhossein Edalati.
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Posted by: mk at 2013-10-07 19:33:55
Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci presented in the 1920s a theory of cultural hegemony to explain the slower advance, compared to many Marxists' expectations, of proletarian revolution in Europe. He stated that a culturally diverse society can be dominated by one class who has a monopoly over the mass media and popular culture, and Gramsci argued for a "culture war" in which anti-capitalist elements seek to gain a dominant voice in the mass media, education, and other mass institutions.[citation needed]
Posted by: SFP+ cable at 2012-02-08 22:14:35