Chanticleer performance based on Dr. Majid Naini's translation of Rumi Poetry
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Time: 08:00 PM
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
50 Oak St
San Francisco, California
Time: 08:00 PM
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
50 Oak St
San Francisco, California

Award-winning American composer Shawn Crouch's new work, The Garden of Paradise will be performed the Grammy award winning Chanticleer group. The piece is based on the poems of poet Brian Turner, an Iraq war veteran, whose moving accounts of the war are set along side the poetry of the Persian poet Rumi, as selected from among 80,000 lines of poetry and translated by the renowed Rumi scholar, Professor Majid M. Naini.
Posted by Chanticleer.
Reviewed/approved by Laura Flowers.
Posted by Chanticleer.
Reviewed/approved by Laura Flowers.
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