Nowruz Festival 1390
Time: 01:00 PM
Discovery Green Park
1500 Mckinney St
Houston, Texas
Phone: 713-590-9770

Tickets are $15 in advance and include a $5 food coupon for food sold inside the festival. Tickets at the gate will be $18. Tickets go on sale soon at Super Vanak, Phoenicia, the Iranian Cultural Foundation office, and online at Please contact the ICF office for more details at
Other festivities include:
- Merchandise bazaar
- Opportunity to sign up for ICF Persian language classes and other cultural classes
- Opportunity to take pictures with the traditional Nowruz table spread (Haft Seen)
- Live Persian classical and pop entertainment
- Persian food and drink
- Children's area
Posted by ICF (Iranian Cultural Foundation).
Reviewed/approved by Rodmehr Shojaei.
Than you for your invitation. I will call my friends and go to join your annual celebration. It is a glad thing. Congratulations!
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Posted by: 巨人倍増 at 2013-06-03 23:39:16
For more information, join are facebook event at
Posted by: Rodmehr Shojaei at 2011-03-03 17:46:46