Norouz show
Time: 03:00 AM
299 piedmont avenue
It is with great pleasure that we invite you all to celebrate the coming of
spring and the Persian New Year with the UC Berkeley's Iranian Students'
Cultural Organization.
Join us for an incredible afternoon featuring a wide variety of musical
ensembles, dance performances, and other special guests.
Posted by ISCO.
Reviewed/approved by talieshah -.
Comments He did not yell at the team at least, not even in the leadership within the brigade, "ventilation Li Wenhai not let go, still pulling hard Youyou, who directed a harsh response to questioning: "Go, Mind your own business!" Would run in front of that person, can see very young, then do not say they rushed up and hand you want to tear them, "her first release you, let go!" Li Wenhai suddenly beat, slap in the face of the man, surprise, unexpectedly, decisive exception And Mao Jie temporary derailment did not affect her behavior and feelings of Iron, Iron like she loves Iron Iron is no longer the slightest of distractions And the comprehensive deployment of the entire operation, doing extremely secretive Not difficult to see from here, if those who are married have a lover how to suffer, let you nervous all day, the phone rang to do, someone knocked on the door can not open, then it is to suffer Zhongguo Qing Ma Wan, has been fiercely went back to study, I do not know who to call loudly, probably that I do
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Posted by: 紅蜘蛛 at 2013-05-31 23:19:58
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