List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2011-12-17

    Persian Dance Immersion Weekend

    Bay Area - San Francisco Saturday - December 17, 2011     10:00 AM

    A two-day weekend intensive workshop including 12 hours of dance classes and lectures with Ballet Afsaneh artists, Ostad Sharlyn Sawyer, Director Ballet Afsaneh, Miriam Peretz, Assistant Director, and Farima Berenji, Principal Dancer, Cultural Anthropologist and Archaeologist.

    The weekend will culminate in a holiday party performance featuring Afsaneh Dance Academy members and live Persian music on Sunday night, December 18th at Ashkenaz in Berkeley.

    Saturday- Spring/Fall Studio- 2547 Eighth Street, Berkeley, CA
    Sunday- Eighth Street Studio, 2525 Eighth Street, Berkeley, CA

    Please note the different locations of each workshop, and that they are all in the same building. we will have signs pointing people in the correct direction.

    Discount for Afsaneh Dance Academy (ADA) members.

    Pre-Registration Prices:
    Full weekend $150 /ADA members $120
    One day $ 85 /ADA members $75
    Any one workshop $ 25 /ADA members $20

    Door Prices (space permitting):
    Full weekend $175 /ADA members $150
    One day $100 /ADA members $85
    Any one workshop $ 30 /ADA members $25

    Workshops are limited to 20 people, so register in advance to hold your spot!!

    To pre-register, please identify your party and sessions desired in an e-mail to Miriam Peretz:

    December 17: Mysteries of Persia and the Silk Road, Culture and Dance
    Explore the land, people, geography, language, culture, and the arts of ancient and modern Persia and the Silk Road. Hear fascinating stories of pre-Islamic ancient Persian mythology, the forgotten Empires - the Archamenians and Sassanian Dynasty, the Arab and the Turkish Dynasty, the Mongol, Safavids, Qajars and the Royal Road. Learn more about the historical events of Persia - the Festival of Yalda (Winter Solstice), the Festival of Mehregan (Celebration of Fall), the Festival of Fire, the tribute to the Goddess Anahita, Norooz (Persian New Year) and more.
    10:00-11:30 Lecture with Farima Berenji (at Spring/Fall)
    11:45-1:15 Mystical Persian Dance with Miriam Peretz (at Studio 12)
    1:15-2:00 Lunch Break
    2:00-3:30 Lecture with Sharlyn Sawyer (at Spring/Fall)
    3:30-5:00 Persian Folkloric Dance Workshop with Farima Berenji (at Spring/Fall)

    December 18: The Heroic Age of Persia and the Silk Road, Culture and Dance
    A survey of "The Silk Road" and it's cultural and dance influences on Persia. Learn and observe various dance styles and movements, how and why there movements were made, and how they are similar. Discover the "Age of Explorations" of Persia and the great Persian poets such as Hafez, Saadi, Ferdowsi, Rumi, Omar Khayyam, and the sufi, ritualistic dances. Explore the major provinces and nomadic cultures of Persia and the Silk Road, the music, art work, and costuming.
    10:00-11:30 Classical Persian Dance with Sharlyn Sawyer
    11:30-1:00 Lecture with Farima Berenji
    1:00-1:30 Lunch Break
    1:30-3:00 Lecture with Sharlyn Sawyer
    3:00-4:30 The Art of Improvisation with Poetry and Live Music with Miriam Peretz and Neema Hekmat

    Rastak Music Group

    Europe - Belgium Saturday - December 17, 2011     12:02 PM

    Festival Of Arts is honored to invite you to a journey with Rastak, through the land of roses and nightingales where their admirable compilation of captivating folk songs from the cross section of Iran's highly rarefied and sophisticated culture would be enlightening you with an experience of endless delights.

    رستاک تنها گروه موسیقی که هدف خود را بر پایه بازیابی نغمه های اصیل و کهن موسیقی مقامی و اجرای قطعه های شاد موسیقی فولکلور ایران، بنا نهاد.
    توانست پا را از مرزهای کشور، فراتر نهد و هر بار در گوشه ای از دنیا بنوازد و بخواند.
    با زمزمه هر ترانه محلی، قطعه ای از خاک ایران زمین، آداب و رسوم، زبان و فرهنگ مردمانش را در یادها زنده می کند.

    رستاک برای نخستین بار به دعوت فستیوال هنر، مهمان بریتانیاست تا شبی به یادماندنی و خاطره انگیز را برای هموطنان رقم بزند.فستیوال هنر امیدوار است که یکبار دیگر همچون برنامه های پیشین، علاقمندان و مشتاقان فرهنگ و هنر ایرانی برای حمایت از این هنرمندان میهنی به استقبال شان بشتابند

    برای آگاهی از چگونگی تهیه و رزرو بلیط همچنان از وب سایت و صفحه فیس بوک فستیوال هنر دیدن نمایید تا در جریان آخرین اطلاعات تکمیلی قرار گیرید.

    ((((Ticket Booking Open Shortly))))

    For more info:
    Contact: +44(0)7738995405

    Jasmine's Fire Safety Foundation Concert

    Florida Saturday - December 17, 2011     04:00 PM

    On December 17, 2011, join the friends and family of the beloved Jasmine Jahanshahi as they come together to celebrate the short but passionate life of a young woman who is known to have embodied the very definition of exquisite strength and beauty. After passing away in a fire-related accident in Paris while studying abroad on April 14, 2011, Jasmine's friends and family saw no other way to confront their grief than by starting a foundation in her honor. J.U.S.T.I.C.E, which is an acronym for "Jasmine's Universal Stand Towards Inferno Caution and Education" is a non-profit organization that aims to distribute educational resources and fire-safety tools to students all over the country in the hopes of helping others avoid similar tragedy. The event will be a celebration of life, love, beauty, art and music and will feature the divine spoken word of the 13th century Persian Poet, Rumi.
    The concert will also feature a fusion of traditional Persian music with more contemporary rhythms and sounds. This event, which combines both the lyrical and musical artistry of an old, yet profound culture, will be held not only to cherish the fleeting beauties of our everyday life, but also serve to represent our responsibility to preserve the delicateness of such treasures. This event is open to the public and Jasmine's friends and family encourage and welcome new faces to be part of this cultural experience. All proceeds and ticket sales will benefit jasmine's Foundation.
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