List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2012-09-28

    namayesh film mostanad sezarian ba hypnotism va bedone bihoshi tavassot ostad doctor hossein almassyan be hamraheh porsesh va pasokh az ishan

    California - Sacramento Friday - September 28, 2012     06:30 PM

    dar in jalaseh alaveh bar namayesh film doctor almasian hypnotherapist ,ravanshenas va mobtaker anjam sezarian bedoneh bihoshi dar jahan az tarigheh hypnotizm be porseshha va ebhamateh shoma dar moredeh in elm pasokh midahand va be tashriheh anvaeh bimarihayeh asabi ravani ke az tarigheh hypnotism ghabele darman hastand mipardazand va mekanism in kar ra dar darman tozih khahand dad.

    S.T.A.R. for Breast Cancer Dance Party

    Bay Area - San Francisco Friday - September 28, 2012     07:30 PM

    S.T.A.R. for Breast Cancer presents masquerade party and fundraiser. An eventful night of dancing and intrigue featuring DJ Dr. T, live and silent auctions, raffle prizes and a taste of mediterranean food with Niosh Nafei, the MC of the event.

    Hossein Alizadeh in Concert

    Europe - Belgium Friday - September 28, 2012     07:30 PM

    Iranian maestro Hossein Alizâdeh, one of the most important figures in contemporary Persian music, joins the Hamavayan Ensemble (established in 1989 to promote a new approach to traditional Iranian choral singing) for a rare UK performance. Alizâdeh will also rekindle his Grammy-nominated partnership with Armenian duduk master Djivan Gasparyan for a new finale collaboration.
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