List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2012-10-01

    Dr. Majid M. Naini: Rumi's Discoveries and Magical Prescription for World Peace

    Los Angeles Monday - October 1, 2012     07:00 PM

    Rumi was a thirteenth-century Persian mystic poet and seer who has since become a best-selling poet in the United States. Love transformed Rumi into a liberated euphoric poet and teacher. When Rumi threw off his turban and robe and started to dance jubilantly, the most beautiful and meaningful poetry poured from his lips. On Rumi’s 805th birthday, DR. MAJID M. NAINI, one of the world’s foremost Rumi scholars, will discuss Rumi’s life, discoveries, teachings, and magical prescription for world peace and harmony via Rumi’s astounding poetry. The event will also include a performance of Persian classical and fusion music by the SIBARG ENSEMBLE.

    This is a special USC Visions & Voices Program. Admission is free. Reservations are required. To RSVP, click on the event links beginning Thursday, September 6, at 9 a.m. PST
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