Nowruz Meet & Greet @Oakland Museum
Friday, March 28, 2014
Time: 05:00 AM
Oakland Museum of California
1000 Oak St
Phone: 510-318-8400
Time: 05:00 AM
Oakland Museum of California
1000 Oak St
Phone: 510-318-8400

.A celebration of Nowruz, a new year tradition celebrated by Iranian-American as well as the Afghan-American communities of the Bay Area, including a Haftsin table representing the arrival of Spring
.Family-friendly drop-in art activity, egg decorating to celebrate Nowruz and get ready for spring, from 5 to 8 pm
.Local beer and wine specials in the Blue Oak beer garden
.Extended hours in the galleries and special exhibitions
.Gourmet food trucks from Off the Grid featuring the best in local cuisine: get the weekly list here
.March DJ-in-residence DJ Adam Poe spinning the hits from 5 to 7 pm
.Dance class with Destiny Arts Center in the amphitheater from 6:30 to 7 pm
.Live band Fantastic Negrito with their modern interpretation of American roots music in the 10th Street ampitheater from 7 to 9 pm
.Makers & Tasters Series ranging from beer brewing to book signings, on the Final Friday of the month featuring demonstrations from Whole Foods Market, from 6 to 8 pm
.Story time with Oakland Public Library, on the last Friday of every month from 6 to 6:30 pm
.A Snack Size Docent Tour, a fifteen-minute mini-tour led by a talented OMCA Docent to introduce you one of the Galleries—you won't know which until the tour begins!—meeting at the ticketing desk on Level 2 at 7:30 pm
Posted by Oakland Museum.
Reviewed/approved by talieshah -.
.Family-friendly drop-in art activity, egg decorating to celebrate Nowruz and get ready for spring, from 5 to 8 pm
.Local beer and wine specials in the Blue Oak beer garden
.Extended hours in the galleries and special exhibitions
.Gourmet food trucks from Off the Grid featuring the best in local cuisine: get the weekly list here
.March DJ-in-residence DJ Adam Poe spinning the hits from 5 to 7 pm
.Dance class with Destiny Arts Center in the amphitheater from 6:30 to 7 pm
.Live band Fantastic Negrito with their modern interpretation of American roots music in the 10th Street ampitheater from 7 to 9 pm
.Makers & Tasters Series ranging from beer brewing to book signings, on the Final Friday of the month featuring demonstrations from Whole Foods Market, from 6 to 8 pm
.Story time with Oakland Public Library, on the last Friday of every month from 6 to 6:30 pm
.A Snack Size Docent Tour, a fifteen-minute mini-tour led by a talented OMCA Docent to introduce you one of the Galleries—you won't know which until the tour begins!—meeting at the ticketing desk on Level 2 at 7:30 pm
Posted by Oakland Museum.
Reviewed/approved by talieshah -.
夜狼神 即効性に優れ、効果の持続力が長い! 性欲減退、虚弱体質、免疫力低下の症状を改善します。性能効果:中高年の腎臓機能低下、早漏、短小、ED,精力低下の症状を改善する。 夜狼神(やろうしん): 植物偉哥 vegetal vigia: 鹿茸腎宝: 蔵秘雄精: 紅蜘蛛: A9生精片: M6生精片: 回春堂海狗王: 米国金根 MACA: 速勃100: 福潤宝カプセル: 魔鬼天使Muira.PuamaII: 男露888: 蔵秘雄精: 巨根カブセル: 興奮剤German Black Widows: 999神油 女性用: 中華牛鞭: 中華牛宝: 男根増長素: 蔵八宝: 蒼蝿水(FLY D5原液)D5 催情剤: D5 催情剤: SPANISCHE FLIEGE D5: SPANISCHE FLIEGE D6II: SPANISCHE FLIEGE D6 催情剤: SPANISCHE FLIEGE D9 催情剤: ホーニージェル狂潮嬌娃: 壮根精華素: 紅蜘蛛: 虫草鹿鞭: 魔根: 魔鬼天使性欲粉(Muira Puama): 威哥王: 巨人倍増: RU486: 三体牛鞭: 狼一号: 紅蜘蛛: D10媚薬: 黒倍王: 魔鬼天使Muira.PuamaII: 狼1号: 三體牛鞭: 三體牛鞭: 三體牛鞭: 黒倍王: RU486: 粉劑媚薬: 媚薬カプセル: 催淫通販: 三體牛鞭: 999神油 女性用: バイアグラ: 同仁堂牛黄清心丸: 房事の神油: 中華牛鞭: 德國魔棒: 三體牛鞭: 999皮炎平: ダイエット: SPANISCHE FLIEGE D5: 中華牛宝: 男根増長素: 三體牛鞭: 大印象減肥茶: 三葉減肥茶: 碧生源減肥茶: 新品オススメ: 三體牛鞭: 新倍柔情高級人体潤滑剤: 縮陰膏(超級潤滑剤): k-yゼリー潤滑剤: 天然山羊の眼: 人の助: 妻之友外用避妊薬: セセックスドロップ ドイツ(Sex drops)小情人: ARDOUR(持久熱情粉)媚薬: 蒼蝿粉(INVERMA 粉剤媚薬):
Posted by: 蒼蝿粉(INVERMA 粉剤媚薬) at 2017-10-18 02:19:53